Sometimes, a name tells you pretty much everything you need to know about an animal. In the case of Australia’s Bearded Dragon, though, its beard-like “mane” of pointed scales is really just the beginning of this fascinating reptile’s cool adaptations!
#shorts #animals #animalshorts #reptiles #lizard #australia #beardeddragon
"his eye sight is fairly good" meanwhile mine would constantly run into walls because she couldn't tell how far in front of her it was
they dont live in deserts though?
I have 5 bearded dragons. The mealworms are not good for them. They can’t digest the carapace and may get impacted. They need super worms. Try dandelion greens and hibiscus flowers. I know they love them.
That is a color morph of bearded dragon
And then fancy bearded dragons are the exact same, just a darker coloration
Gosh I love these guys so much. I love my blaze
Miss Kathryn high key fine
I love bearded dragon
Some of the cutest and sweetest lizards you will ever meet
Leave the lizards in the wild and stop breeding them. They shouldn’t be put in cages.
although beardies are fucking stupid..
my beardie when he was a baby: MaHm WhY iS mY nAmE hAmEr?
his mom: because a hammer fell on your head at 7 weeks!
my beairdie: Ok ThAnKs MaHm
That a beauty right there. ❤❤❤❤
I have one they GRRRR NO TOUCH ME I DA BEAST 😂😂❤❤
I have a bearded dragon she doesn't look really much like that one she has different coloration and she is a bit smaller but she still likes adorable and just amazing her name is savannah
I love beardies ! I just hope people really look into their care before getting one . They are wonderful pets .
My bearded dragon has really cool orange splotches on the full under portion of his body!
Shedding boy!! Hes so handsome
“He misses sometimes” missed every time
I love him
My bearded dragon is addicted to meal worms she will turn her nose up at most food if she knows there are meal worms about
He is absolutely gorgeous.. I have a 5-year-old female named fluffy dragon, she is my best friend ❤
Love This
My beardie Chloe looks almost the same.
He is a beautiful boy!
i’ll have to try sweet tatas with my beardie girl
Love beardies!
They are not naturally that colorful, that's the result of selective breeding over generations. They are a dull brown in nature so it's color in the video isn't a desert adaptation at all.
The fact that he has a favorite color is actually the cutest thing ever I love these creatures