Restore your faith in humanity in 4 minutes flat

Restore your faith in humanity in 4 minutes flat
Spread The Viralist

If you’re ever worried about losing faith in humankind, despair not: here is the antidote!

Save an animal’s life today:

PLEASE SHARE for the good of humanity.

Music: ‘Because of You’ by Gareth Johnson / Paul Mottram


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About the Author: funkwaxpuppy


  1. This is pure love. Humans are like this. Thank you for showing me the good side of us. There really is still hope for us…when we try to love and take care of shit like we need too. When we truly understand that life is so valuable.

  2. Lovers are superior… "Unless ye must, Bruise not the serpent in the dust, How much less wound a man. And if ye can, No ant should ye alarm, Much less a brother harm." ~ Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i Faith

  3. The best video in the internet probably. And a glimmer of hope for humankind. Helping those weaker than us is the biggest sign of greatness.

  4. Only 10k people of all over the world believes in humanity? People! Please be kind for all animals and all people – everybody deserves to live. Greetings from Poland

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