When people wake up from a near death experience, they often say they experienced the same thing as others who have come back from the other side. Check out today’s insane new video that dives into the phenomenon of crossing over into the afterlife and coming back to life!
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I've died and came back to life 7 times.
Outstanding video/production.
So i haven't died but i have went into a coma an it was the most horrible experience. I was awake in my mind an fuzzly was aware around me. I could clearly hear everyone near me talking. But i had absolutely no control over any part of my body. That was panic inducing!!! Which created even more panic because i was panicking and couldn't make anyone aware. I was coning an going in an out of it. An that inbetween state was wild. Whatever medicine they were gicing me was making me feel so weird an my mind was like in a dream. I could fully feel the medicine coning into my body an my brain was telling me i was being poisoned an killed an as i was slipping back into sleep or whatever it was considered my brain kept telling me i had to fight or i was going to die. I felt as if i couldn't breath in those moments which i cant even explain the level of panick i was in at the moment. It was something i cant even explain an i do not ever want to experience.
Why do I feel trapped in this body?
Ole buddy got stung by a bee and was reunited with my guy Harambe. Epic.
Nah. It’s not “what we want to see.”
Some people don’t even know they’re dead during their experience.
Astral projection
The only fear I have of death as an agnostic is that a religion I don’t believe in will end up being correct and I will end up in eternal damnation with infinite suffering.
i was in icu for almost a month last year i was unconcious for 3 days i experienced nothing but peace.
i had a vivid memory that a light angel being hold me while lying on bed she told you will be healed
during that time im in constant pain physically and mentally.
2:03 NAAAAHHHH 💀💀💀
I holy cow😮 17% of them have stories you know I always thought the number was way lower like maybe 5% or 4% but to hear that 17% of people who die and come back tell you about things that shouldn’t be able to tell you about wake up People😮
kid cudi?? boy you was about to go down for a summer vacation
Us not knowing the universe is an understatement. We don't know. We all came 1 singular point.
They are just having dreams as their brains are shutting down. No one has ever died and come back, to be dead there has to be no electrical activity in the brain.
To the CC… you have committed yourself to believing there is a soul..have you asked …WHY?
The second story about the fellow who got stung, just doesn't make sense…. I don't believe it to be authentic. It appears, to me, to simply be a hallucination brought on by the effects of the allergic reaction.
I agree with Kevin 100%… God appears to him unlike any of described by all religions.. because he wasn’t a religious person… so god Does exist! But None of Us could even begin to understand.
Sounds like DMT to me
Another awesome video …… just like most of the videos you guys make. Thanks for making it.
my take on NDE is that you can still hear for about some moments after you die and since sound can affect you dreams therefore you see what you hear 😊