
We shared 3 moments we’ve experienced that truly made us believe in the afterlife.. Let us know what ghost encounter you have that made you a believer
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Is there a ghost experience you’ve had that made you a believer?! 😳 LET ME KNOW I WANNA READ THEM
I’m not going to do any pushups but I would appreciate it if you liked
Yo hi
I still remember this moment in my life so it was like summer of 2020 and i was outside my house playing with my friends and you can see my house back window were no one lives thier so i saw lights turned on by it self no body goes their the doors are closed and then when i go tell this to my father we both go their to check the lights turnoff by it self.
it was like 2016 or 17 my Aunt was going in the same area like the back area rooms and she literally saw a dark black figure walking and vanishing near my grandpa picture and then my grandma read the Holy Quran after that happened.
So its like April 3 2022 when my grandma passed away i was very sad because i was very close to her ok so after 1 or 2 weeks after she passed it was like 3 am at the morning me and my father were home only i was watching your haunted videos and my father was on his phone so literally i hear knocking it was like silent but me and my dad can hear it and then some one tryed to push the door but thank fully the door was closed and i walked out of my bed and i pushed the door and i hear footsteps and i saw a shadow. This all happened at my house Pakistan
This story I'm finna tell you was like 2 days ago. So we have an unhumidifier under the house, and I had to go turn it off when I was under the house I turned it off then from the outside theirs a little door to crawl out of someone had slammed the door shut but my sister was at the gym, mom was taking a shower, and my dad was asleep so their was no way it could've been a actual person
When i was little my grandma died. I was probably 7 or 6. One night, i remember having a dream about my grandma who had died. She was saying i love you so much. The next day, my aunt alex, who took care of my grandma, found her dead in her bed. Love you, grandma .
Last night I was getting pappers and I saw a shadow in my bathroom 😮
I was at my friend and the light flash and it was loud banging and no one was home
Faze Rug I s the guy if you feel like getting the chills 👻
People who r watching it a daytime so they dont get scared
When I am sleeping I sleep like I sleep in our living room that is like in front of our door and in the hallway in our door we have a light that if anybody passed it will turn and like at 5 a.m. in the morning I woke up and we have like a little window above our door and when the light turns on we could and it just keeps flashing on and off and keep in mind you have to walk past it to get it to turn on it doesn't have any buttons to so we just keeps getting on and off and like I keep hearing noises in my head but my dad doesn't believe me
Rug the rugrats woudldnt want u to do it if u dont wanna or if u feel uncomfortable doing it
I remember when I was 5 I was laying on the sofa. At the time we were in pakistan and in pakistan we had a small mansion which had three floors. I was on the sofa and it was like 11 pm and it was stormy outside. I was with other family members and Someone dared me to go to the second floor and stay there for 2 minutes in complete darkness. At that time I was 5 and they said they would give me candy's and let me play on PlayStation. Keep in mind that the second floor had many rooms. I was like aight I went to second floor complete darkness. First minute nothing. But then I started hearing knocks. I promise you I'm not exaggerating. But I still stayed there. I wanted the candy's and wanted to play on PlayStation. Apparently during the instruction of the house someone died I don't know if it was true or not. Finally it was two minutes and I ran downstairs. Keep in mind there is a stair the goes to third floor which is the roof and halfway through the stairs is a door which Leeds to second floor. When I ran downstairs I swear I didn't close it. But when my family members aka scardy baby cousins went upstairs together to see if there is actually knocking, the door that Leeds to the second floor was closed. They thought I was lieing and laughed it off. But I wasn't. Now I live in the UK but when I go to pakistan I'm still scared of going to second floor. I wanted a imam to see the house but no one trusted me.
After watching your videos i think my house haunted
I have had a ghost experience that still haunts me to this day
I was sleeping in my room and that night i heard a loud scream outside because i sleep next to a window and i got terrified from that night i put a blanket over my head so i don t hear it anymore
We claim no negative energy from this video including me
Why did I just watch this before bed time 🫣🫣🫣
I do have a few to be honest one day it was my little sister birthday and and she have got a doll as a gift and a couple days later I was alone with my sister in the house and we were in my parent room I remember see the doll in the living room and couple min later it was in the kitchen . but that wasn't my scariest moment I use to live in a mobile home and it was up in the hills I was just looking outside the window seeing my friends ridding their bike and as I look up I see a girl in a white dress with dark long hair my heart drop and I got scared and I run to my closet and I hit my head to the wall and the iron fell on my head and I stared to bleed from the top of my hair.
Bro ok Brian I'LL tell u my story.
Once I was calling friend .after that we heard the TV trun by its self and I was like wtf is going on but after 20 min the fan turned on I was like bro wtf is going in in ur house bro then he said that he dose not know so I told the ghost if there is a spirt in the house turn on the TV it turned on otomaticly .
I told my friend to get a pricet to bless his house he agreed.
Thx for listening to my story Brian.
I was taking pictures of me and my sisters on the bed and something or someone was standing in the corner and we hear a little girls voice saying hello? And we went to our mom
My birthday is on the 23rd please anybody?! Help make my birthday special?! $KellyN2397
Please ? 🙏🏼 🥹☺️🙏🏼🙏🏼
Playtime is a bit-bit-you Dara
Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug with 😭 so sorry 😞
I’m watching this at 2:45 am
Also for Anthony’s I feel the same way about that because usually when you say you hear a noise the camera doesn’t really pick it up and I have to take your word for it but in that video not only heard it but it was loud too also my friends grandma has a few ghost experience if you wanna hear some lmk
Nice blanket Antony
I was watching a haunted video and I had a pair of shorts that flew off my shelf and flew back
I’m curious what Sam and Colby video is the one that played on ur TV randomly.
just imagine if he had put a jumpscare in the video 🙃
Is it just me? But I got goosebumps at the scene of the TV in rug's home turning on or when he was talking about that exact moment.
No such things as spirits, it’s the shaytaan Brian
hii 🙂
i would wake up everyday for school and i would have to feed my dogs and the dog food was in the space under the stairs. so i would go and get the food and i would get that feeling like someone was looking at me or that feeling going up the stairs in the dark. I looked up and i thought i kept seeing things around the corner and i would rush to get out and i would see shadows between the door and the wall, and that would happen every time.
So a few years ago I moved in a apartment there was a bathroom that is cold vibes around it. So one time I am home alone I go to the bathroom. The light just turn off then I try to turn it on but it's just was not working so I try to open the door it was locked. I am lazy to write it all but I will give it a part two
Pls ask Sam and Colby to go there with you I really want to see their reaction to that
I was at a hotel with my family for a vacation for my birthday and it was around 3 am because the day before we couldn’t sleep and slept late so we were up at 3 am and we were bored so me and my 2 other cousins snuck out. So we were just walking around keep in mind the halls were long very long and my cousins just kept walking and I forgot my phone so I go and get it and I come out my cousins went to the place we said we would meet up after I got my phone and as I was going down the halls I hear screams it was very faint but they sounded like a little girl she was screaming “HELP!” “HE WANTS ME!” “HES HURTING ME” I ran back all the way to my room and texted my cousins they shortly came back and one of my cousins nose started bleeding. This rarely happens to him only when it gets hurt not just randomly.
Was it just me or did anyone else saw the shadow in the back next to the drawers💀
Rug stop lying I went to the museum 2 years ago looked Peggy on the eyes and nothing has happened to me
me and my brother and sister were just in the living room and the radio randomly turned off the scary part is the radio is broken and it turned on
Hey Rug try the most haunted house in Texas!!!!!
Y’all should stay at the Cecil Hotel In DTLA