Lost dog realizes his family found him

Lost dog realizes his family found him
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The lost Siberian husky was found 240 miles from home ❤️
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  1. And this is why you absolutely must chip your dogs the moment you get them! Our dog wears a GPS collar as soon as we put on shoes to go in the fenced garden.
    It’s so sad Chips aren’t mandatory 😢

  2. That was really annoying! Someone is coming? I would have open the door myself, no need to wait I know my dog.
    Open the bloody door mam and dad and the dog are waiting, what's your problem? Do you think this dog is going to kill someone? Amazing how people feel engrossed with power when they decide that they are the boss.
    "Don't rush me I have to drink my tea and eat my donuts."

  3. An old buddy if mine would do this …but then not take the digs with him 😳 he'd make wm think he was then not take them and surrender them 😵😠 he enjoyed seeing the dogs suffer and beg to be taken home…he wouldnt .

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