Most Terrifying Pet Poisonings 😨 Bondi Vet Compilation | Bondi Vet

Most Terrifying Pet Poisonings 😨 Bondi Vet Compilation | Bondi Vet
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The top moments our vets raced against time to save innocent animals from poisonings! 😱

00:33 – Puppy poisoned by puffer fish!
06:17 – Cane toad poisoned Jack Russel!
19:26 – Rottweiler poisoned by angry neighbours!
26:51 – Puppy intoxicated by snail bait!
35:50 – Dog bitten by deadly tick!

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About the Author: Bondi Vet


  1. an unfortunate but interesting video. great job fixing things up but the people responsible for causing those problems should be in jail.
    as for the video, quality was good as always, though the camera angle could be better at times. (like during the rottweiler's colonic lavage, and later the black lab's colonic lavage. you can not see what is happening very well. Not like you can with the yellow lab anyway, that camera angle was much better.
    Anyway glad to see everything worked out well in the end. Nice job guys. ~ from a fellow veterinarian who has seen the horrors of snail bait all too often unfortunately…..

  2. Snail bait and nasty neighbours – the worse combination. I'm lucky. My neighbours are lovely, but I do have a laneway behind my property, and this is why my animals are always inside when I go out. And I must say that I'm glad we don't have paralysis ticks in Melbourne.

  3. Imagine a vet that cares to much they literally bring a camera to set up in your backyard to find out the problem instead of just telling you to watch htme constantly and hope you have an answer…talk about an amazing guy

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