Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS!
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Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS and CREEPY things ! I’ve been gone for a minute, but I now present to you the BEST of scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, Japanese ghost videos, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. Covering the full list of ALL sorts of paranormal activity. There are evps, poltergeists, and everything bizarre and supernatural. These are, without a doubt, the creepiest scary videos on the internet, from the last month. The police catch some paranormal activity when spooky child ghosts staring out a window on public CCTV cameras. A shadow figure appears in the haunted woods of Wistman. Belgian urbex explorers have an experience that’s right out of a horror movie. A haunted doll, a strange cryptid wandering the woods, scary tiktok ghosts, and MO’!
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Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK
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13:34 that HIYA was Uncle Roger 🤣🤣
Old videos
6:11 maybe dig down at this spot.. becouse it wants to be find maybe..
Wasn't expecting a video to come from my country, let alone my area.
Didn't know any crazy women lived in our woods, but you're right the laws in Belgium are a joke just like everything else in our system.
I have never been in this exact spot, but i'm sure these woods are close.
Creepy stuff, stay safe everyone.
fake as fked
Why does the video get all blurry all of a sudden when he finally catches the doll doing something? Perfectly HD until he finally gets the doll doing something lol.
I drank 2 packs of chocolate milk then i diarrhea
Uh, Nuke, in vid #7 you forgot to mention the ghostly pair of hands that reach out from beneath the car and try to grab the guy as he walks away…
Is Nuke only doing videos once a month now?
entry 3 (or 7, the snowglobe entry) is pretty heart warming. eventhough its 1 year after there dad passed away, he still is with them to look over them, wich is extremely wholesome.
Bruh that dog took a screenshot of my soul fr!!!
No matter how random your uploads are, I am always so excited to see when you post a new video because it's always a surprise 😁 love your channel so much Nuke! Thanks for all the effort you're constantly putting into your videos. It shows!
8:17 –> these kinda scenarios are absolutely terrifying to me. That being said, I really wish we had the ability to accurately separate the fake from the genuine videos.
What really made my heartbeat outta my chest was once the screaming stopped, BOOM, she's right there. Seems like she didn't use her light (until being face to face) she used their light source to pin point & then hunt their asses.
These are all.lame.
Why do the people out nicking sound british?
I feel like the most unsettling thing about this compilation is the babysitter recording someone's kid and exploiting her for views.
You're back! 🎉
u better be alive next video👺
The noise that said haiy was the person to trick the dogs
First footage, it appears a black figure hold unto one of the children, spins with the child & that child motion the other children to follow. Strange.
in the watcher in the woods video theirs also a arm reachimg out under the car just after he walks away from the car
About damm time 😅🙏
I had to resort to Plan B this year, and watch Fearsome Top 5 for my paranormal fix.
The King is back 👑
people are such babooz smh
This is so lame. Scary? Not at all. These are pathetic.
the snowglobe is clearly staged. just look at the fake "shock"of the mother, anything to get a few clixks these days. The group of three guys in the woods… staged, u can see the guy in blue can barely stop himself from laughing. Again.. anything for thr clicks
I'm going to say this right now. Stop using the term s-walker for everything that mimics sounds. Calling them by their name is what attracts their attention. Makes you a target. Doesn't matter where you are in the world. It's also respectful of the culture these beings come from to not mention them by name as there are very real reasons that they are feared.
That lady is lucky she doesn’t live were I do cause if you came at anyone with a hatchet only thing you would’ve heard is a whole lot of gun shots.