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🙏 for a Speedy recovery.
Get well soon George
What the hell does he have on his feet? Humans… 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ great job chiropractor🙌🏽
Can someone explain to me what clicking tool is 🙂
God bless you for taking care of God‘s creatures and helping them feel tremendous better 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪💪💪
Why the shoes? For his condition? Isn’t that an impediment? Glad he’s walking better regardless.
I swear, basset hound owners give them the best names…
George, you were so brave. Great job. Now someone take his rain boots off. He is in the house.
Have to be rich to give surgeries to pets. Many veterinaries near me don’t take insurance and don’t allow payment plans. Have to pay everything in full. Ridiculous
George you are a beautiful boy. I hope you're feeling better soon.
George is a cutie patootie.
I am assuming if he's in that much pain..they have him on pain meds? It doesnt sound like it though .
I always call my animal chiropractor first for anything bone and joint related
What are thoooooooooose?!
Another success by Georgie and doctor. The shake out doesn’t lie.
George looked up like you sir are wizard.
Wow that seemed easy. Two back surgery’s that horrible
Way to go George. I love his boots. ❤
Should of brought him to Doc before surgery’s
Aw his doggie booties ❤
Much love to Dr Doug and sweetheart George ❤❤
Go george!!!
You’re welcome always, I think you’re amazing 💙💜
George, you are such a handsome boy! I hope you get to feeling better! It looks like you're on your way, buddy! ❤
Bless his heart I love watching this Man a blessing" to our fur Babies they are family 💙💙💙👍