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#mysteriousdiscoveries #originsexplained #incredible #recent #discovery #discoveries #archaeological #archaeology
Another Great video David& Origins Explained, Loved it!!!
You called it the “cult of Jesus Christ” at one point in the video, which I agree with. But, when would you say it changed from a cult to a religion? Or, did it? I think not.
This channel honestly has no clue how to fact check or do their proper research in the topics they are speaking about. They hear one interesting story and they decide to preach that story like it is documented fact and they have completely researched everything they are talking about from every side of the researched everything they are talking about from every side and angle.
That Egyptian papyrus is extremely suspicious. It seems to have answered four or five questions of ancient Egyptian life that we have all been wondering for hundreds of years. Very very very suspicious a document has been found that is all in pieces and somehow they put it together and it solves the riddle that hasn't been solved in a very long time. I 100% doubt that is a legitimate artifact. Most likely it has been spoofed and created to solve answers no one else has been able to figure out.
Great narrating of the amazing crypt keeper thank you David 🖤🌟🖤🌟🖤
Happiness is the key 💯, God is the greatest and I will continue serving him till I'm no more. Having a fresh 23k coming every week ain't a joke. I can help out now and support the Lord's work❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
The "cult" of Jesus Christ? To each his own but that, is disrespectful 😒 I unsubed for that one, sorry.
All the finds that prove bible are covered up or not fully explained…Because satan is still at work ever since the garden of Eden…My people perish for lack of knowledge…PROVERBS
Disease. Almost 100% sure that's what killed off the Amazonians.
These "churches" were Catholic,which overtook the small scriptual churches! The catholics murdered millions attempting to force people to become catholic!
Marijuana probably wasn't seen as an alternative medicine at that time. It was just medicine at that time
You really thinking of paper towels you the truth does it man did not build a period you fit f***
You Lost me with the Lie about Kufu Im sick of hearing its his Pyramid
No one know how the pyramids were done
yuk muck
Mayan satalight photo with yellow lines
See thumb pointing down.
For fail!
Oldest know dirty in the world
That mosaic guy has intentionally one eye.
Looks like me
Lith curly hair
“Holding on to his reproductive organ with both hands like it might try to run away from him” is the best sentence lol😂 💀
Omgosh😂..good video😅😊
Can we please stop with the anxiety inducing background music. Its not needed, distracting and literally causes me anxiety.
Ed to quit using the words pre historic. Pre historic is when the earth was being run with dinosaurs. Which was billions of years ago. For the tombs to be filled with water it would have happened during the great flood. The tombs and artifacts are way older than what the scientists are telling people. Look at the ancient cities that have been unearthed around world,they are millions of years old. This world has re set 5 times because of historic events that almost killed off everything and everyone.
Thank you for the update, David..!! Awesome narration, animation and content as always..!! Happy Valentine's Day..!!
Why we didn't eat more meat we weren't the apex at that point and hadn't made that jump yet.
It’s pronounced “LIE-DAR”, not “LEE-DAR”.
It should be “daily recent discoveries”
Seams odd ppl WANT TO worship gods
Hi David have a great day
No mummies found in pyramids. All in tombs.
Here's a thought.. what if these boats and civilizations were taller than what we are so it was easier for them to transport these blocks? Some of the hieroglyphics show huge people next to smaller ones. 🤔
Hundreds of thousands of years ago , The Amazon was all clear grasslands, the Amazonians cultivated it and grew food and livestock, when they left they planted trees to hide their cities in hopes of reclaiming them someday . the soil is so rich and fertile the only explanation is cultivation, the way they farmed , the materials they used to mix into their soil , its fascinating.
Background music is too loud!!
Thanks for the videos! I love your content! Hope I can get a shout out sometime! ❤️
Have not mentioned the stone masks yet 🎭
Love you, Katrina! Thank you for you and yours putting so much wonderful vids together! You saved my life… literally ☺️🫡