Nuke’s Top 5
Real Ghost Caught On Camera? Top 5 Scary Haunted Houses
The Top 5 scary videos of creepy paranormal encounters and ghost videos all caught on tape in haunted places.
Ghost hunters and average people explore haunted houses and abandoned buildings in this scary top 5 countdown. Their investigations uncover some truly frightening supernatural activity as they explore the unknown.
In this video: A handyman encounters a poltergeist in an abandoned house. An amateur ghost hunter sees a bizarre apparition peeking through her window. A popular Youtuber catches yet another encounter with a ghost in his home. A group of ghost hunters investigate an abandoned building and find something creepy residing on one of the upper floors. An analysis of their footage reveals that the home might have a paranormal resident. And a man makes a mysterious discovery while filming in the UK countryside.
If you enjoyed watching this Nuke’s Top 5 list, you might also enjoy this other scary video 5 Ghosts Caught On Camera? Poltergeist
• 5 Ghosts Caught On Camera? Poltergeist
And also check out this Nukes Top 5 countdown: Real Ghost Caught On Camera? Top 5 Scary Paranormal Videos
• Real Ghost Caught On Camera? Top 5 Sc…
Nuke’s Top 5 | Real Ghost Caught On Camera? Top 5 Scary Haunted Houses (REACTION)
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Oh the link that I shared since its the top 10 videos of the month chances are that you may have seen most of the clips shown..i myself had already seen most of the clips shown hell some of them even like fifty eleven times! LoL 😅 there were only like 2 maybe 3 that i hadn't seen or at least i don't remember seeing… anyways hope you react to my request and hopefully even if you have seen some of the clips it will still be entertaining for you to watch 😊
The way I see it is if the clip is good enough and scary enough there really is no problem watching it more than once. For ex I've watched the same top 5 ghost video like 7 times cause I like watching how different reactors will react to the same paranormal video but of course I only do thet if I find the original video itself spooky enough to watch multiple times 😊
Please 🙏 react to nukes top 10 scariest ghost videos of the month
Please and thank you 😊