Sean Strickland vs Sneako FULL FIGHT + CTE Concerns Revealed!
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00:00 Sean Strickland vs Sneako full fight footage
06:25 Belal Muhammad & Sneako conversation after sparring
08:24 Sneako has medical exam, asks for CTE test after sparring Sean Strickland
Mess with a bull you get the horns….
People don't know Sneako was training with other professional fighters before he fought Sean so he got what he asked for.
Bitch got what he asked for. A taste of UFC. Bet it taste like blood too.
P.S : Muhammad is a pussy.
the little jab by sean at 1:40 is fucking fast
Bully Strickland, I'm glad Sneako didn't even go down. His chin is tougher than Israel adesanya 😂
Sneako got balls I will give him that
Well don't do dumb shit hahahaha
Dude started throwing the towel as soon as he started getting hit 🤣
Strickland is a great fighter . Sean believes in being good to children & don't hit on women plus Sean was playing with sneako he could have really f'ed him up Strickland is a professional the end fight was save sneako lol
I think my contacts are weird i see blurry, sir you have a detached retina
Why is it 'unfortunate' his nose got busted up? It's boxing like that is the point of it. He literally waited until the very last minute to do anything at all. They both signed up for it.
Bro that’s not sparing, stop glazing 😂
Sean is the fkn GOAT
Literally nothing wrong with this
Sneako’s actually being a respectable person
I think Sneako earned a lot of peoples respect here.
I like Strickland but this is aa bad look. Idk what either of them expected to get from this.
CTE is from repetitive minor trauma like in sparring not from concussions, people get into car wrecks and have life threatening acute brain injuries and they are not at risk for CTE. The C is for chronic, an acute brain injury is different and he wasn't even hurt that bad he was actually doing a good job of at least deflecting most of the punches, recreational amateur boxers get hurt more severely than that all the time and next to never have any negative effects.
The dude said, " Sneako is not doing bad." Meanwhile, Strickland is doing nothing. Lol! Yall, Strickland has gloves on. He took it easy on him. I do give it to Sneako for even getting in the ring with Strickland. It's not about making anyone look stupid. It's just showing you can't just throw on gloves or watch UFC or whatever it is and be one of those guys. Those guys live,breathe and eat that shit. I do give it to Sneako though. That's like getting hit by a Mac truck.
Strickland is the man!
Holy shit is that cringe. Only the weakest of ppl would be this happy and proud to beat on a much smaller opponent. Absoloutely pathetic. What a manchild. Huge L
Gotta love Sean
sneako took the W , he hit him as hard as he could and didnt even rock him ?? all this shit that sean was talking and didnt even do anything hahahah
Strickland doesn't have the size to handle something like that. He's unsympathetic. Sneako has my complete respect.
That was almost like Drago and Apollo lol.. He beat the shit out of him for 20 plus seconds.. Towels thrown in from every damn direction lol… He’s lucky he didn’t get seriously hurt or knocked out because that was coming!
How the F you will say Sneako isn't doing bad when his opponent isn't even boxing him, Sean turns himself into a punching bag for him, and at the point, you can't quite say anything has started, and when Sean decides to box him what did Sneako become? A Victim
You're kidding yourself if you really think that. Sean Strickland gave him 100% punching power. He probably let loose about 60% of his power. So all you idiots who think that this kid is tough. You're seriously wrong. Stupid but brave. I hope he enjoys a few likes it he got. Because his brain definitely didn't want this to happen. Even if Sean didn't really let loose
Sneako got our respect he defo has potential in the ufc industry like it takes alot to get in that ring especially with a champion like Sean Strickland. Now ppl dont see you as a troll you actually have the guts of a man!🫡
Why did Sneako go there? Sneako, did u think cake and Icecream? Another boy that will do anything for a like. That simple
At the end when Strickland was unloading Sneako was in survival mode and was completely covering up his head with his arms. You can’t really KO someone whose head isn’t exposed.
Who the fok is this moron sneako?