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To inquire about future litters of puppies please fill out an application on our website at senzatempocanecorso.com
Thank you for your videos, but (this may be just me) but your daughter it become too distracting with her pointless chatter. Rachel, you have fantastic content and I hope you are able to reduce or eliminate the background chatter. Still a fan of your content
Or onyx?
You should name Cashmere 2.0 Pashmina which is another type of really soft wool!
It would be like picking the best diamonds. All beautiful.🥰
I would love to buy one
All these puppies are so beautiful and so cute i don't think the gray male has a mad face he has a poker face he doesn't want you to know what he is thinking about because he will probably have big plans for his future and doesn't won't you to know about it that all love every one of them it who'd be hard picking out one puppy as they are all sweet..
Baby Mad is my fave. Love his personality.
Man I can't wait. I want a black one so bad, but I know temperment is key. D: but I can hope for sure!
Another great video! Love watching the different personalities. And watching them grow
Random Genetic Question, I got yelled at in one of your live birthing videos for talking about Genetics because I breed Rats and someone told me to shut up cuz Rats are gross and are NOT the same as Dogs but Im noticing some similarities in Genetics from Rats to Dogs and It has me Wonderings. So I've Noticed that alot of the lighter colored pups like the Formi's and the Blues have different eye colors. Do you know if the Blue or Formi gene are Eye Genetic Dilutes? In rats Fawns and Beige genes are actually Ruby eye Genes that Dilute a Rats fur which would either be Agouti or Black. The Ruby Eyed Gene causes an Agouti to dilute to Fawn and a Black to Dilute to Beige. Where as the Blue gene is a simple Ressessive Gene. How is it for Dogs?
ما شاء الله – كلهم مميزين بشكل ما – الله يبارك فيهم، أتمنى لهم مربيين مناسبين لهم. 😍
The puppy thinks you are not funny
That blue puppy that’s in the beginning of the video that was chillin in the back and made his way to the front, strikes me as possibly having a non dramatic and confident type of temperament🤷♂️
They are beyond beautiful! Hope everybody stays healthy and happy. Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know if Rachel still has Mazekin? I just remembered she was tested for allergies and stuff but missed to catch up. I was just wondering, so maybe one of you faithful watchers know? 🙂 have a nice day everyone
one day can you take out all the dogs what get be together out to see them!! its okay if not 🙂
Koal for the black male pup
That black pup from the Nirvana litter is giving midnight vibes. She's just a lil more robust then her from the looks of it. These pups just get better with time
That gray boy is a one person dog…….and he has not picked his person yet. I’ve seen that look before.
Idk to me they all look great 👍 ❤️
you sure you want to make this one? XD those are some strawwng pups
OMG…. I love Madmartigan's minnie me….so adorable..!
Look at his little wrinkly face…😁
Ok I like him too…awww
Pick me pick me!
Let all them in the a big yard…and just go in and sit down..but personally I like a shy dog…but one of them will pick u
The one that comes to you first…let them all out not in a pen…now I really don't know anything about cane corsos…but one of them will pick you..
You should call the all black 1 Venom
Will you get more money from nirvana's pups because of her status. All of her puppies are very nice looking
That blue boy wasn’t having it lol.
He's so unimpressed. 😆 I love him
Can you explain what stacking is?
@Senza Tempo Cane Corso I like the name Wakanda for the all Black puppy."Phantom" or "Unique" are nice names also.
Oh my blondies litter is soo freakin cute! 😍
Do you ever do the type of testing where you put in a variety of new objects and see how the puppies react to them?
The one with the white nose…Pacino…if you know you know
Rachel you should take the blue brindle boy and formie girl ! Best of both worlds !
I can't even with these puppies, I miss my mom's Corso's puppy phase, they were so squishy!!!
The blue brindle is my fave the way he looks like he's looking down on his subjects 🤣royal or regal would be a good name for him 🥰
I think he looks concerned. Sometimes contemplative.
That blue boy is phenomenal! His stone cold tude is hysterical 😂😂
All these babies… OMG the cuteness is to much to handle.. 💋💋💋♥️♥️♥️
Omg so cute!! My Doodle had the same look as a pup. I called it the permanently pissed off look lol. He still gets it haha
Beautiful pups
I love the little grumpy face 1 he is so cute 💯❤🐶
Awww, they are so cute! 😍
Sweetness overload. 💜
Omg puppies 😊 what a way to start the day with a morning dose of cuteness. PUPPY OVERLOAD. Blondies ltter is so Batista love the angry face he is huge and serious. Nirvana has a lot of bigums they are beautiful. These are wonderful litters. Terrific pairings. Can't wait to see what comes from sookie and also Hefe. Think you have perfected your blood lines.