Rescue 4 abandoned puppies/ Stray puppies get rescued/ Sweetest reaction when puppies see me
The staff of our company called me yesterday afternoon. He told me that a dog died after being hit by a car. He said two puppies, including the puppy’s mother, were injured. He explained that there were a total of 7 puppies that he saw in the parking lot but suddenly the mother of the puppies tried to cross the road and was hit by a car and died instantly. I was really sad to hear the bad news. However, Today morning, we tried to locate the place where the dog died. But it had a big and long parking lot for big trucks and lorries. There were many forests and palm trees. Anyway after a long search I found one puppy first but there were six more and continue to search for other rescued puppies. I was able to locate three more puppies under the tree. When I saw these puppies they started barking at me and started running to me. I thought these puppies would run away but they don’t. They were very excited to see me. There are two more puppies here but they have not been found. I searched very well to locate another puppy I failed. I will go to places and try to find them again. After I interacted with these puppies they became very affectionate and started playing with me. However, I rescued these stray puppies and adopted them. I brought all these puppies to our site project. Actually these puppies are unhealthy and hungry. I have to do a lot to ensure their well-being, bathing and cleaning.
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