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Lift Heavy Be Kind
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00:00 What is the biggest animal you could take down?
00:36 5 weakest animals in the world
05:24 The animals the average person could take down
08:55 The animal AI said you could take down
Goodness me, you have no idea. Chimps are ferocious and unbelievably strong. They also go for eyes and genitals. Good luck😅
My grandpa told me he fought off a wolf while on a hunt, so I can totally see the strongest man in the world beating it. But Crocodile… I don’t think so. Maybe make it reatreat, but no way beat.
No chance against a grown chimp or anteater. WSM would be horribly injured and likely bleed out. Much better chance against a pitbull.
I don't agree about chimps, cause they are incredibly strong, and incredibly quick. I think you or any human doesn't have a chance against any grownup chimp if it's healthy…
Lol a chimp would maul you in less than a second LOL
Elephants are way stronger and scarier than grizzly bears
I hate being out in the wilderness as well. Ain't no damn bears eating my ass in my bed. Save that for the old lady.
Sloths are way too damn cute to beat up.
Interesting video. I don’t think any human being could beat a mature chimpanzee. Mature chimps are extremely dangerous. They are almost six times stronger than the average man and could literally pull your arms off. As for me I think I could handle a rat, goose, cobra, and groundhog but that’s about it.
Something to consider. Wolves have been fought hand to hand and beaten…by someone who understood wolves.
I think your list works for the average joe but for specialists and trained warriors the list would change a little bit but not much. Love the way you started at the weakest.
Humans should at least get a spear in this contest, our brain has to count for something damn it🤣
IT would be painful but I'm pretty sure I would beat an eagle, a medium size dog, crocodile, and king cobra, I more or less put in the same category, they have one very strong weapon and not much else going for them. I think a skilled and well practiced fighter can beat the king cobra, it's a matter of speed and precision that the typical person doesn't have. Against the Medium sized dog, I think my kicks are good enough, and against the croc. as long as we are not near water I think it's possible I could take it's back, gouge it's eyes, It's iffy, but I think a trained fighter would have a great chance, I don't think I'd try for a million. I actually think that large dog is a bit of an unknown maybe their extra power means you need to be a really great kicker, I doubt my self. I'm entirely unsure about kangaroos, Wolfs are just the hard mode of a big dog, so probably no. Where I disagree is the chimpanzee, I think you're underestimating them, they are definitely stronger than me, but not you, however they have the thick skin, and some pretty scary teeth on them, they can grapple and then bite giving them a massive advantage over a dog. I think it would take an absolute top notch well rounded trained fighter to even have a sliver of a chance against even your average chimp, not even considering the alpha.
Chimp!? Hahahahaha
The relatively high number of dislikes is probably coming from those overly confident people who thing they can pick a fight with a mammal bigger than cat. edit: there's no way you could square up with a chimp, it will rip your face off no problem
If I had to, I'd take on a wolf before a chimp. Chimps are vicious and know to go for the eyes. Probably no chance against a wolf either but I think the odds are better.
The biggest animal I could take down is Mitch Hooper
You guys really dont know how strong and vicious chimpanzees are.
barehanded…..man is toast
to think you could beat a chimp is delusional. they would kill any fucking one on our God's Green Earth without even breaking a sweat. they are crazy, freakshly strong.
It astounds me theres people that think they could kill wolves. Wolves hunt bison, they're many times more deadly than most dogs, the only dogs that compare are like kangals and ridiculously oversized dogs, but even so they're being compared to smaller wolves. A wolf is like a mini lion, you're a spaghetti brained buffoon if you think you stand a chance 😂
Chimps have killed Gorillas. It was probably not 1 on1, & maybe not a Silverback, but woah!
Chimps are crazy strong per body weight. A chimp fucks you up mitch
My 60 lb Malinois-mix, when he thought I was threatened, could jump up, w/jaws open, & stare at a 6' man in the eyes. The threats were never quite that serious, so "NO!" saved the day. Dog's already back sitting, & the guys still hadn't had time to react.
Animals are born with their weapons. Humans are born with the best weapon, the intelligence to make other weapons. I'll take on any animal, just tell me 48 hours in advance which animal.
Blue whale on land. Gonna win 100%