Richard Dawkins On What Happens When You Die

Richard Dawkins On What Happens When You Die
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Piers Morgan is joined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins to answer his questions about life after death.


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About the Author: Piers Morgan Uncensored


  1. Richard Dawkinsā€™s might be the smartest fool in world history. Masterpieces donā€™t create themselves. Intelligent beings do! You canā€™t look at a beautiful mansion and say it built itself. The only logical answer is someone built and designed the mansion. In the same way we look at the extremely complex universe, to say it designed itself if folly, and scientifically impossible. Nothing canā€™t create something, dead things donā€™t come to life, the universe is breaking down; not evolving. More importantly, Atheism is depressing and makes life meaningless. If we are just dust then there is no purpose or meaning in life. Our conscious is evidence that this isnā€™t the case, because we have morality that tells us right from wrong. In a meaningless, purposeless world, this canā€™t be. It exists because Gods moral law is written on humanity and we are made in his likeness just as the Bible teaches.

  2. I'm honestly all over the place when talking about religion or god but one thing is for sure. We don't know what happens when we die. Not even ol Richard here.

    The fact is we don't understand consciousness in the least. Even to this very moment we don't understand it and have no idea how to study it. I don't like Pierce but he had a good point. NDE stories are….well…bizarre. People from all over the globe, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are seeing the same thing. Dying and coming out of their body and seeing themselves. Seeing a bright light that makes them feel comfort and love. Not feeling any fear or negative emotions. Realizing they still have their memories and sre still themselves but with no body.

    Now after that, it varies for some people but like I said, it usually is the same in the beginning. Some people describe being in a pitch black void and smelling sulfur or something pungent. Feeling fear. Some people describe a vast green valley with people or some type of humanoids in it with beautiful flowers everywhere. Some people describe a life review. Some people describe talking to… supposedly the creator of the universe or something similar. Some people see their dead loved ones and talking to them. Some people get a revelation about life and think they have the answer to what this is all about we call life.

    Now, the bizarre thing is the number of cases and the patterns. Someone from the USA describes the same or very similar to someone who lives in Japan. Different cultures seem to describe things differently but are describing the same thing. One person could say it was a tunnel with a light at the end and someone else would say a light in a pitch black void. Some would say they spoke to god and some will say Allah. Some will say they spoke to an angel and someone else will say they spoke to something else. All of them say they didn't want to be revived when they were resuscitated by the doctors. They were disappointed that they had to come back to this life we all know. The pattern is still there, though. That's the thing that fucks with me. People can say they saw this or that and it wouldn't matter to me. But the pattern of all of these people dying and seeing the same thing is the one point I can't get over.

    Go look up some stories on Youtube and watch them all with an open mind. Listen to the NDE podcast where people tell their stories each episode.

    Like I said, I'm all over the place with religion. I grew up with a strong curiosity and put my faith in science. I grew up throughout my twenties being an atheist and one day being an agnostic. Strange things have happened many times in my life to the point where you have to question if all of this is just preplanned. I've been without money many times in my life with no one to help me and then something comes up where I'm saved. Many, many times strange things have happened to me to the point where I started to question if fate was real or not. We don't understand consciousness so I think it would be silly to say consciousness doesn't move on after we die. We don't know that. It might not have anything to do with the traditional god or Allah. It might not be anything we can possibly think of with our tiny human brains but one thing is for certain. Nobody knows, yet.

  3. No Piers, animals (including people) don't die for a few minutes then come back. Death is one way. And a heart stopping does not define death – hearts stop every second or so but then continue and we are not dead between beats for goodness sake. Think about it. Sigh…

  4. I have died and let me tell you it's literally nothingness, it's exactly like it was before you were born. I won't get into specifics but yeah.
    When it happened it was like blinking, you don't even know it happened

  5. Years ago, I saw a small black dog that passed through a solid wall like magic. I thought it was just in my mind until my flabbergasted niece standing next to me told me she also saw the creature disappeared after walking straight through the concrete wall about 3 meters high…

    It must have been a spirit, a demon, a ghost or something science does not have yet an answer. After that, it was simply hard to become an atheist.

  6. I think if we look at facts and the world around us away from all the imprints on the mind. We are nothing simple as. Obviously as an intelligent being will worry about dying because we are conscious. But our brain is like a computer and like a computer if you pull the plug itā€™s dies. So do we. Simple as.

    Humans are strange and have many ideas of the world around that see many things as facts. This is not the case and when we understand the world around us and the bigger picture we see that in the grand scheme of things we humans are nothing.

    The earth has seen trillions of life forms before us. We was just lucky in having a helping hand. Yet when nature is ready for a change then we will be wiped out. Nothing in this earth will stop the earth from doing what it does. Bring death to form new life.

    Itā€™s been doing for millions of years and will continue on the circle of earths life. We are just guest.

  7. I donā€™t believe him, listen to how he answers Piers, his first ā€œyesā€ is very hesitant and not only that he hesitated before he stumbled over saying his hesitant yes. Heā€™s unsure of what heā€™s saying overall.

  8. Read or listen to Dr. Bruce Greyson. A real scientist is open to investigating and doing unbiaed research no matter where it leads.

    Dawkins has his mind made up then goes looking for "proof" to backup his preconceived notions and opinions.

  9. We didnā€™t know black holes existed, or that the earth was spherical, so there may be a soul, we donā€™t have any proof. Lack if proof doesnā€™t mean the non-existence of something, it just means we donā€™t know. Thatā€™s the difference between an atheist and an agnostic.

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