Real Reason China Ended One Child Law (CHINA COMPILATION)

Real Reason China Ended One Child Law (CHINA COMPILATION)
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00:00:00 Real Reason China Ended ONE CHILD Law
00:18:10 Why Mao Zedong Was The Most Brutal Tyrant
00:32:03 China’s Mobile Execution Vans – Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind
00:38:44 Meet the Man Responsible for the Most Deaths in History
01:08:24 Why China Will Never be a Global Superpower
01:22:37 Average American vs Average Chinese Person
01:32:45 China’s Major Manufacturing Crisis – Why Companies Are Fleeing the CCP
02:01:09 What If The US Had The Same Population As China?
02:01:09 Weird Rules That Only Exist in China
02:13:50 China’s Favorite Torture Methods – Worst Punishments
02:30:13 China’s Secret UFO History Revealed
02:42:50 Real Reason China Desperately Needs USA Again
02:57:54 Hidden Signals Show Why China is About to Collapse
03:15:26 Festival in China Where Dinner is… Dogs
03:24:51 China’s MASSIVE Population Problem
03:45:36 How China Ended Up Going Communist: The Strange Truth
04:06:21 China’s Most Bizarre Laws
04:30:05 How China Ranks Its 1.4 Billion Citizens
04:54:50 Things You CAN do in China (and NOT in USA)


The videos are made by the same team that brings you The Infographics Show.

All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.


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About the Author: GeoPolitico


  1. At least China still names their children by throwing a handful of silverware down the stairs and making note of sound it makes…., ching ping ding sing

  2. China's economy is currently suffering the following issues:
    1) There's not enough work for Chinese factories to keep operating each day. Before the 2024 Chinese New Year, many Chinese factory workers were made to take an early, unpaid vacation.
    2) It's been reported this week (2024-02-20) that Mexico exports more to the U.S. than China.

  3. China's one child policy resulted in families abandoning baby girls, because there's the Asian belief that only a boy can carry on the family line. A lot abandoned Chinese babies were adopted by non-Asian families.

    This resulted in China having WAY TOO many men, but not enough women. With with the lack of women for men to marry and having familes, China's young population drops significantly while China's elderly population skyrockets.

    If you've seen videos of mainland Chinese women, however, it's a miracle that any current adult Chinese women get married.

  4. The whole china policy is an obvious example of yeah certain ways of life are better than others. North Korea is on the struggle bus as well. Maybe authoritarian Marxism isnโ€™t the way to go? I mean the US 70 years ago warned the world but here we are.

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