Why America’s New Airstrike Weapon Is A Total Game Changer COMPILATION

Why America's New Airstrike Weapon Is A Total Game Changer   COMPILATION
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00:00:00 – Why America’s New Airstrike Weapon Is A Total Game Changer
00:18:00 -Why China is Terrified of US Airforce
00:40:25 – Real Reason Why China’s World Domination Plan Failed
01:00:24 – America’s Plan to Checkmate China
01:20:17 – Why China’s Man-Made Military Islands Are a Disaster
01:39:25 – Could the US Military Conquer China All on Its Own
02:19:05 – How Has China Built up Its Military So Fast
02:40:12 – How U.S. Navy Will Defeat China at War and Other Reasons China is Dangerous



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About the Author: The Military Show


  1. This article is so out of reality.
    Saying China air power is unable to face US air power is just plain silly.

    Plane for plane , China's latest J20 and coming J31 will be far superior to US F35/ F22 in every way from range , avionics to missiles.

    China is currently mainly focus on SCS and Taiwan Straits for now but within a decade will cover the entire world .

    Until then , if there is a war between China and USA , US cannot even fly a single plane over China or Taiwan.

    China is ahead of US is about every area militarily not to say the strength of China's discipline, numbers, rebuilding , etc are super power status which US lacks.

    China's J20 equipped with WS15 is already able to supercruise without use of after burners.
    Plus the J20 can functino as an AWAC with second pilots etc.

    So there is no chance US is any match for China

  2. The information on number of VLS Chinese navy has is vastly incorrect. PLAN currenty has eight Type 055 destroyers, each equipped with 112 VLS, twenty-five Type 052D destroyers, each equipped with 64 VLS, twenty-seven Type 054A/B frigates, each equipped with 32 VLS, plus a good number of submarines that are also equipped with VLS. Excluding the submarines, PLAN has at least 112×8+64×25+32×27 = 3,360 VLS. Seems like the information is quite misleading here.

  3. China's top down authoritarian regime does not allow the massive flexibility the U.S. armed forces have. THAT alone is a huge advantage. Chinese personnel have been raised and cultured to think within "the box" and not "outside of the box". The U.S. technological advantages will continue far into the future simply because of the independent industry which has to develop systems in a competitive fashion that fosters innovation. Finally, the U.S. always has technology that is not even known to the world. Think of the war against Iraq, the new stealth fighter took the Iraqi defenses completely by surprise and our tanks completely decimated their massive tank force. We want to be so overwhelming that no one will ever truly face off against our military. That keeps the peace……..

  4. I’ve heard from a few friends in the industry that a west coast company is actually developing a mach 10 guided ordnance. Supposedly coated with materials similar to what was used on the space shuttle. I called BS on them but you never know. Anyone else hear anything about this?.

  5. I love the way you say what the S400 is capable of…..and it's all things it has ABSOLUTELY FAILED to do in Ukraine! Hahaaaaaaaahaaaaa! Russia & China are clowns….

  6. putin has officially given a green light to the US and others to weaponize the orbit IF they havent done it already in secret… i would cause its a no brainer, total war is coming

  7. For now yes China fear US air force as China navy carrier fleet is not ready. The Type003 is still pending sea trial, the KJ600, J-35, J15B/D are still pending production stage.

    China economy is not shrinking but growing by the way, still on track to overtake US. If China wanted to breed, they can do it anytime with best genetics to breed by force. Also there's no anti-human league in China unlike in US that is destroying its own civilization.

    You can spew whatever bullshit but actual results determine the winner.

  8. What if this doesn't matter? What if the whole focus on Taiwan is a distraction from the true intent of the Chinese….a direct, crippling strike, against the United States…which as a by product gives them Taiwan, and literally the rest of the world? What if the 21,000 chinese illegal aliens who crossed the Southern Border are hiding Chinese soldiers…..access to American ports, thanks to the clintons in the 90s, gives them the ability to arm and equip those soldiers now that they are on U.S. soil…….what are the odds that china plans a crippling attack on the U.S. very soon? After all……hiding, feeding and staging that many soldiers on foreign soil would not be that easy…right? At least in the long term…..so if they are planning a combined cyber attack with a physical attack on our critical infrastructure and political leadership…wouldn't it be coming soon? Could you address that idea please?

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