Season 20 of Apex Legends, AKA BREAKOUT, is here and it changes everything about this game we know and love! So let’s discuss these changes in this episode of “For Noobs”
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The Intro song is “The One and Lonely” by Carter Ace
Check him out here: https://www.carteracemusic.com
The Outro song is “Bone Theme” by Michael Wyckoff
Check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snAWszNWhAc&t=0s
#apexlegends #breakout #season20
What's your favorite change this season?
"buff mirage" 2019-2023
I used to main Ash from release to s15 before I got tired of her being dragged in the mud. My suggestions for her upgrades are the following.
Ash: Blue upgrades number 1, she should be able to snare mulitple foes like her lv3 does so change tier of upgrade. 2, when she finishes an opponent she should get her ult or she should also be able to have her armor fixed by scanning a deathbox as it will make her passive a lot more usable. As for her purple upgrades she should be able to upgrade to have twice the distance with her ult and being able to go through it again or her snares travel way quicker and she gains speed boost when hit on opponents and her sprinting is quieter so she can be a true assassin. (Yes some of these would be a little insane but Ash deserves som chaos buffs to her😅)
i used to play apex mobile all the time highest rank and everything but i could never get into the normal apex and gave up like two games in, this looks really good to where im giving it another shot.
I'd still like it if Mirage had the option to throw out decoys of your teammates instead of just Mirage but I know that'd be way too much though
soooooooo basically apex mobile
For bangalore dont get the hp regen in smoke it only heals a few ticks not useful unless in a clutch situation
10:43 I’m not noticing a difference at all
Yiu got conduit's wrong. The ult one is lvl 2. I do fond it funny they did shield battery choice on a legend that can yknow give temp shields
Wait is normal battle royal just not a thing anymore?
Wouldn’t a smaller bubble actually be better in some scenarios? Smaller so there’s less chance that some stupid windows don’t allow someone to just barely sneak some fire into the barrier?
16:43 the cut away from the punch
i havent played apex in so long bc it felt stale im happy to say i am currently installing as we speak
did tap strafing 100% get removed? it still seems like you can do it
They buffed mirage but pathfinder STILL doesnt have an actual passive 😢
That's cool and all but when is Forge getting added? It's been like 3 years now
The Mozambique is the best gun in the game this season
2:45 ash
3:47 Ballistic
4:30 bangalore
5:15 fuse
6:07 mad maggie
6:53 Horizon
7:29 Octane
8:23 Pathfinder
9:00 Revenant
9:33 Valkyrie
10:09 Wraith
10:53 Bloodhound
11:26 Crypto
I'm gonna finish it later
Great video, very informative! Now if I could only learn how to actually git gud at the game..
Side note to my first comment i will be posting that comment on every single new vid until he accepts
So apex is still sweaty af? sounds about right.