Footage of the annual cheese rolling event in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, this afternoon (May 29). Dozens of thrill seekers from all over the world threw themselves down the steep Cooper’s Hill to chase a wheel of cheese. There were several injuries reported. One senior police officer said last week there was the risk of “mass casualties” if something went wrong. But the quirky event, which has no official organisers, still went ahead.
It sees competitors chase a 7lb (3kg) Double Gloucester down the steep 200-yard drop, many tripping and tumbling as they go.
#cheeserolling #cheeseroll #bankholiday
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Notre société ne cessera de nous divertir
2:33 ……..mom wasn't eager to get in pic with him as he held up the prize …no not at all 🙄
To watch at 0.25 speed begins at 0:41
White people white peopling!!!! 😊
WTF is this
The one thing more worrying than a nation which is potty enough to hold such an event is the thought that people come from all over the world to compete in it! Is there any hope for mankind?
Risking life and limb to catch a wheel of cheese rolling down a steep hill. The most English thing I've seen this year. Excellent!
Holy shit man!
lousy I cld do better ngl
PORTLAND ************************************ CATER
Sometimes life feels EXACTLY like that!😂
What the Bloody Hell?
This never gets old
How did your son die…Uhm, well, you see …
And these people hold responsibilities…
Why does a person risk their life for nothing? why?🙄🤔
It's like watching a ragdoll physics test.
I saw a guy with the jersey of my favourite nrl team
Its crazy how people pick random things to be sport 😂😂😂😂
This needs to be a video game lol
Brexit Means Brexit
God Throwing Me Outta Heaven After Saying "HELL"😂
Kaleb Cooper lol 😆
Ragdolls trying😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅