5 Scary Videos That Will Not Let You SLEEP In The Darkness | Scary Comp

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5 Scary Videos That Will Not Let You SLEEP In The Darkness | Scary Comp – scary comp of scary videos, creepy videos, Scary ghost videos, ghosts caught on camera, scary TikTok ghost videos, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Demons and Witches Caught on camera, paranormal investigations of ghost hunters and ghost hunting, these are the scariest videos on the internet.

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scary videos, top 5 scary videos, ghost caught on camera, caught on video, caught on tape, paranormal scary compilation, horror ghost videos, scary and creepy ghost videos, scariest real ghost videos, mysterious scary videos compilation, scariest videos on the internet, disturbing scary videos, paranormal activity and horror genre caught on camera, hunting purgatory, ghost hunting, haunted house, real ghost encounters and ghost sightings which gives scary experience to ghost hunters,

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  1. I just watched Mandy's content last week, she has neighbors that do drugs also drinks in the woods that separate their properties,
    police have even looked into this situation, this same women @6:02 has even been on video looking into Mandy's baby window,
    in the middle of the night,…it is very disturbing. I really hope this has stopped, she's a busy mom and wife and just trying to have a peaceful life,

  2. In Mandy's second video you can clearly see the shadow on the steps of whoever it was saying let me in.i believe it was a real person because shadow people don't wear a slicker and boots!!

  3. I guess I couldn’t hear what you heard with the backyard pool. Sounded like a dog growling a bit, before panting and scratching itself with it’s leg hitting the deck then growling/whining again 👀

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