New Survivor Sable Ward Is… Interesting

New Survivor Sable Ward Is... Interesting
Spread The Viralist

The newest survivor to join Dead By Daylight is Sable Ward and comes with three new survivor perks in which are arguably pretty rough.
In this video, I demonstrate all three of Sable’s basement perks and go up against the new killer The Unknown from the upcoming chapter All Things Wicked.

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About the Author: SpookyLoopz


  1. Imagine survs doing gens specifically for 85-90% and holding them that way.
    And then Sable does her basement trick and ALL gens are popped at the same time.
    This might make killer start questioning not just his sanity or skill, but the whole meaning of the universe

  2. i think sable's perks have an interesting concept, but very poor execution.

    weaving spiders takes a whole 2 minutes to cast, which can be extremely detrimental to the whole team. not to mention, it could very easily give away your position, given where you have to be to cast it. moreover, it literally gives you the old no mither effect without any guarantee that the perk you just spent 2 minutes (and a whole health state you're not getting back) will actually stick/stay effective.

    strength in shadows imo is probably the best perk between her 3 teachables, which is insane considering it's still not that good at all. it requires you to be in the basement without a med kit and allows you to heal at 60% the normal healing speed. the aura reveal afterwards is nice, but i feel like it should have a stronger incentive.

    wicked is just hot garbage no matter how you look at it. it's very niche/situational. there's almost no situation where you have to recover from mangled quicker, especially due to perks like sloppy butcher which slow down your healing until you get healed.

    overall, these are average strength perks at best. mostly mediocre and niche though.

  3. Weaving spider shiuld be change to whoever finishs the innvocation become broken and if theres more then one person the person who joined earliest becomes broken sense people will leave the innvocation

  4. She's a dope survivor, it's also funny how so many people think she's goth when she isn't lol I believe in her lore she hates being called a goth. Also I just noticed you was playing with schmuckles lol.

  5. Im all for the basement perks. We have none or at least I remember the killer had a perk that gave them a warning a survivor went into the basement. Do any of you remember that perk?

  6. i like the basement interactions but i hate that all here perks are countering each other. i feel like the ritual perk isnt strong at all and would certainly not be too strong if that broken debuff had a 1-2 min timer. in the end you spend 2 min in the basement which in itself is dangerous, you cant distract the killer, you cant unhook teammates, you are not healing and the payoff is 15%. as soon as the killer has some sort of aoe gen regress this perk is just trash. and on top of it if you run an adept build you just made the other 2 perks useless

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