Helping rescue animals is something we care so much for ❤️ And here are some of our favourite health makeovers!
00:34 – Rescue sheep needs a haircut!
10:17 – Possum escapes bushfire!
20:00 – Rescuing puppies!
38:34 – Abused dog needs help!
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Such a great job! Honey’s eyes look perfect now!
No matter how much vets are interested in the medicine and science, at their core love doing the nurse jobs if if means cuddles with puppies or kittens. I can bet that vets' favourite day is puppy and kitten vaccination day!
I can imagine Ben the sheep must have felt so much better after he was sheered. Especially in the Australian heat
I’m loving the banter haha. Nothing says friendly work environment like a little good natured ribbing
Love Dr Riaz. His gentleness, soothing voice, and determination to help Kylie on his first day should be applauded.
Very relaxing video. Music and soft voice
I don't understand why the shearer wasn't more cautious to not tear off chunks of the sheep's skin!! 😢
8:08 18 kilograms is almost 40 pounds!
Seeing everybody struggle with Ben on the lead rope brought back memories of my time dealing with goats. They're a lot stronger than they look, and contrary as a cat! "Halter-broken" is a relative term… XD
That was a lot of cuts Ben got. I that normal?
Awesome Rescues.
Scott Muller is also a great vet aswell.
I love vet programmes. Chris Brown is a great vet.
The possum video was so hartwarming.
21:22 though! 🥹
My dream is to make international standard animal rescue center in Pakistan
I don't understand why they didn't sedate Ben, not completely but to help him relax some. I really can't get that.