Prepare to be awestruck by the power of Mother Nature in “Nature’s Fury: A Compilation of Natural Disasters”. From earthquakes to hurricanes, tornadoes to tsunamis, this video showcases the raw force of natural disasters from around the world. Witness the destruction, the chaos, and the resilience of those affected by these catastrophic events. Join us on a journey of both terror and wonder as we delve into the realms of nature’s most destructive forces. This compilation serves as a reminder of the unpredictability and unforgiving nature of our planet, urging us to respect and prepare for the unexpected. Don’t miss out on this gripping portrayal of “Nature’s Fury: Top 10 Biggest Natural Disasters of 2024 Caught on Camera”. Like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on our latest uploads of awe-inspiring content. #NaturalDisasters #NatureFury #DisasterCompilation #MotherNature #AweStruck
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Esta. Nación. Fue. Levantada. Bajo una. Relación. Con. Dios. Los. Políticos se han. Corrompido dándole la. Espalda a. A Dios que es. Santo. todo. Anuncia el. Regreso. De. Jesucristo. Nuevamente a la. Tierra.
Bumi mengembang
Isa 26:9-10 "With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD."
Ха бу юртлар хам денгиз буйларида хам катта даре ок,иб утгвн Днепрми донми шу юртдан ок,иб утади лекин бу юртда бундай тошк,инлар булмас Эди улкан тошк,ин бу'либди инсонла тинч булса бу'лди лекин катта чик,индилар ок,ищи аник,бу эса микроб ва касаллик дегани. Граф.
God creates this earth 4.5 billion years ago, with the purpose of helping human to live gratefully, kindly and work self by consciously. Unify all religions in to 1, all need to understand about the karma of reincarnation and rebirth, must delete all of the dirty characters, steps can rebirth in Nirvana, then rebirth in Heaven forever. Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus or Confucianism or Huesa is 1. Jesus had to intervene with all Kings on this earth as the King had many wives, killed their citizens etc and the King killed Jesus. Thus, our Heavenly Father decided to destroy the entire monarchy of the King, mostly created by the devils of mankind. Each nation must establish 1 righteous religion, 1 King and 1 Party, obey God’s teaching from top to the bottom so that mankind understands that devil actions must stay in hell and humans never get rid of suffering, the house must have a roof and in right order. Multiple party is advocate for the evil that is rampant, the house has no roof, does not respect right orders, demagogues by material life without ethics but killing human by freedom of social evils, a slut, an addicted drug can vote and work in politics, a slut equals with the ethic and talent person. As long as there are multiple parties exist, there are still bad people bitting each other for power. Money can’t buy fairies; the virtue must exist forever in order to keep this world. Illness is caused by humanity following the devil’s call, self-inflicted by greed from invisible and visible of black magics, tangible black magics such as medicine with bad side effects, drugs, food and fruit preservatives etc. If humans don’t listen to God’s teaching, all works and foods will not exist, diseases, famine, crop failure, natural disasters will be raging because our Heavenly Father and the Saviours will not heal any more, even though the devil rages. All herbs will lose these tastes, only exist in the original countries. So all need to shed tears for our Heavenly Father’s hard work, sacrifices and wisdom love, to prevent mankind from incest, only 1 wife and 1 husband forever. Contact Huesa to learn before all merge in 1 righteous religion.
Scientists will find out that all good things in the world are created by our Heavenly Father, eating meat will cause many diseases including osteoporosis and loss of calcium in the body. Some nursing homes in the USA and EU will be demolished because they are living with ungrateful lives to God, immoral, unfilial and aberration. The sea water will turn cloudy, especially in the USA and EU. The duty of good citizen is learned to live with gratefully, kindly and independently, contribute ideas or comments if need to the professional in each area, must build the common purpose first, without building the common purpose, nothing will exist, if those is suitable, then will amend, not overthrow as Australia built by the British Royal for the whole, then Australia brushed their hands ungratefully etc. The biggest crimes are black magics, treason, incest, sluts, free swearing, pornography or wearing then corruptions etc. There is only 1 husband and wife for all eternity, if a couple divorces, the whole world will be divorced, there is no future for children, everything needs to be controlled and there will be standard laws to intervene, without controlling yourself, everything will be ruined. Control sex and be faithful to your partner by thinking of losing your genitals while apart or unmarried. There are human’s bodies with monastic duties such as nuns or monks etc and others have married duties etc because angel souls need to stay in temples. Natural disasters continue to happen until mankind’s follow God’s teaching. Freedom is the freedom to be a kind person, not freedom of addiction, prostitution etc as the USA or EU allows, so the statue of liberty in New York will be buried in hell, snakes and centipedes will fall in New York city etc. The whole world will have no powers for 10 days to understand that our Heavenly Father (God) gives all the best things for humans but humans betrayed God and followed the devil's side. Stop eating animals, slaughtering without mercy, going vegan and eating non-slaughtering for a while. This news has been transmitted since May 2022.
Поднимается магма и это грозит нашей планеты
Very hard to hear
go to emarat and read hovet from eritrea
Wo ist diese Erdbeben hoffentlich ins USA und ins Israel hoffentlich beide lender versinken unter die Erde amen
Das ist eine Lüge
Остановите всё на этой земле
Nagagalit yaon sa mga predection ninyong puro mga akala maging sa inyong mga pang iinsulto. Ngayon ako ang gagawa sino ang pipigil! Sumunod nalang kayo at gawin ang ibig ng Ispiritu ng Dios.
Выбор за человеком.
Только два пути : умножать зло или поступать по доброму.
Что выберет большинство, то и произойдёт. Все просто.
Stopt niburi planet
Русский исследователь Мироздания, криптофизик спасает планету. Присоединяйтесь! Наша сила в нас самих! Правда о Тунгусском и Челябинском метеоритах, ИИ и цифризации, сноведениях, что с нами будет после смерти и другие сенсации, уфолог Бова.
Wait. The first one is from 2011 in japan not 2024
Manusia dan alam sama2mahkluk anak2palestina yg tidak berdosa jadi korban mana hati kita yg bersih yg banyak hati kotor cinta dunia kita tanggung sama2musibah ini di seluruh dunia bumi air api angin kurang bersahabat dengan kita jaga iman bertaubat berdoa hidup tak akan lamalagi bintang di langit Aceh Utara bersatu sama bulan lalu bintang loncat loncat nyata saya liat bukan mimpi trmks thanks from abuneuk
Mungkin alam hnya sdg berceritera ttg kepiluan sesuatu yg dia rasakan bukan sdg marah
a ano recém começou…teremos muitos desastres ainda pela frente…
Коран сура Римляне аят 41 с толкованием аята Ас-Саади
БисмиЛляхи Рахмани Рахим
Зло появляется на суше и на море по причине того, что совершают людские руки, чтобы они вкусили часть того, что они натворили, и чтобы они вернулись на прямой путь.
Несчастья, лишения, болезни, эпидемии и многое другое поражает людей в наказание за совершенные ими злодеяния. Аллах поступает с людьми так для того, чтобы они поняли, что грехи не остаются безнаказанными и что несчастья являются лишь частью наказания в мирской жизни. И тогда они, может быть, отрекутся от тех деяний, которые принесли им столько вреда, исправятся и встанут на прямой путь. Пречист Аллах, Который проявляет милость и сострадание даже тогда, когда ниспосылает испытания и наказание. И если бы не Его божественная милость, то Он заставил бы все творения вкусить заслуженное возмездие и не оставил бы на поверхности земли ни одного живого существа.
First of all the man-made perpetual storms circling earth are not natural disasters and the water from them is the consequences of man melting the polar ice at both poles. These freshwater storms are the cumulative effects of man’s use of microwaves to control the weather which dates back to the Death Ray ( and its use during World War Two to not only track aircraft, but to control the weather and kill prisoners in concentration camps. General Eisenhower knew this and sent General Patton and the Third Army into Germany to capture the device used in the technology called the magnetron. Fast forward to 1954-55 when the United States developed NORAD (North American Radar) whose microwaves have been melting the ice at the North Pole since.
Thank you very much for the information. The book "Hercolubus or Red Planet" by V.M. Rabolú, explains the causes of extreme weather events and gives the keys to survive the catastrophes that are coming.
1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soonREPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again