Hermitcraft 10 : Episode 7 – MY HERMIT PERMITS
HermitCraft Season 10. HermitCraft is a whitelisted vanilla SMP Minecraft 1.20 server!
Stressmonster gets her Hermit Permits, builds her first shop, and enters an Ancient City with iskall85.
♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold
♥ My Stressmonster Extra channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra
Hermitcraft Website: http://www.hermitcraft.com
Outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create)
#hermitcraft #minecraft #stressmonster101
Wait do you have mud or just packed mud?
you can really tell who didn’t play a lot of decked out based on how they react to wardens 😂
Its because you had 3 activated before you started with the sniking.
PER block? or PER 64 blocks?
Let's be honest the warden should have been guarding a portal to deep dark dimension.
And not just in the over world.
Hey I've spent a fair amount of time wandering the deep dark, I'm surprised the warden hit you because you have to be in a (if i remember correctly) 20 block radius for the warden to shoot that, but he'll smell you for 50 blocks, so unfortunately the strat is tower up
Iskall's laugh is So funny 26:39 🤣
you need a snow ball
Good on ya Stress taken on the wardens
mud hut is good, but shreks hut wouldve been incredible
I love how they’re professional minecraft players and they didn’t know nothing about the warden😂😂😂. Dude the warden has been in the game for 2years now
I've finally found a hermit who says "el-eye-tra" instead of "el-EE-tra"!
i know their recording times probably don't cross over all that much but this one little interaction really makes me hope we'll see more of stress and scar shenanigans, i think there's smth really fun there
I'd do a Spa for the mud shop, like a mud facial 😅
"I'm gonna go hang out with iskall now" famous last words
the MUT ( mud hut)
First time I noticed the clouds! They look AMAZING!!!!!
Also there is a mod you can get that activates the shriekers with your voice. I dunno what it’s called though or whose video it was on. Maybe either the Empires series or the Life series. I’m honestly not sure. But maybe talk with either Grian or Gem to see if they know anything about it if you’re interested.
With the Warden stuff right, once you spawn one it’ll go off almost all the time you set off a shrieker. I think you have to wait like 10 minutes or something before the timer resets and then you can go back down and set off multiple shriekers without it spawning a Warden.
quick suggestion – mud – 1 diamond
packed mud – 2 diamonds
bricks – 3 or 4
the relief in your soul when iskall revealed he saved your stuff in an ender chest hahahh
I detest wardens. I stopped playing MC because I can't stand anything about them, they trigger a phobia that just makes me want to punch and kick my PC. I had to skip the rest of the clip. Sorry Stress! Everything else was very enjoyable.
Just remember if it sells out too fast, you right prices
ISKALL XD XD XD "It's more dramatic!" I still remember when Stress got super scared by the Nether and she had to give herself the "I'm a pro gamer" pep talk XD
No wonder Stress is stressed. It's coz of Iskall! XD
Ive seen ppl sell packed mud sell for 1 diamond for 32
19:20 Iskall was like "you are too freaked out, be brave" and instantly got obliterated by the Warden XD.
Not surprised he was so chill, he never saw a warden before.
you can tell stress is actually a very good gamer with the way she was strafing inbetween perfectly timed bow shots
Stress, you didnt get deepslate, you got deeplsate
Anyone else notice it says Deeplsate not Deepslate? lol 😂 😂
The way wardens spawn: you get 3 warning shrieks at first, but after the 3rd shriek every shriek spawns a new warden, as long as there isn't a warden already in range. After a 10 minute cooldown the warning shrieks reset.
The mud monster shop
I forget whose view it was that I saw your and Iskall's deaths in the chat, but i'm glad I finally got to see what was going on