Natural Disasters News Today: Out-Of-ControL Wildfires in Texas! Wildfires Trigger Evacuation From Texas Panhandle!Texas wildfires
#Texas #txwx #wildfire #wildfires #الولايات_المتحدة #Texas #Fires #Panhandle #TexasFires #Cattle #agriculture
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حرائق الغابات في ولاية تكساس الأمريكية
Bosbranden in Texas, VS
Incendies de forêt au Texas, États-Unis
Waldbrände in Texas, USA
Άγριες πυρκαγιές στο Τέξας, ΗΠΑ
Kebakaran Hutan di Texas, AS
Incendi selvaggi in Texas, Stati Uniti
Лесные пожары в Техасе, США
Incendios salvajes en Texas, EE.UU.
ABD’nin Teksas eyaletindeki vahşi yangınlar
Out-of-control wildfires scorch Texas Panhandle, prompt shutdown of nuclear weapons facility
Massive wildfires rage in Texas, tornadoes rip through the Midwest
Expanding Wildfires Trigger Evacuation From Texas Panhandle |Texas Wildfire
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Wildfires explode in Texas
Fire emergency in Texas as wildfires scorch parts of the southern plains
Massive wildfires raging across Texas Panhandle
More than 60 Texas counties impacted by wildfires
horrific apocalyptic scene with the Texas Panhandle wildfires!
الحرائق في ولاية تكساس
Smokehouse Creek Fire
Bien fait dieu et grand et puissant le seul aux monde
Sấm giảng có nói!con người và vạn vật thấp thế gian từ nay thảm sầu
Anda tau tdk? Kenapa keaadaan skrg spt ini?
Balak jamal hantu kraken cumi adalah azab Allah, yg bertugas membantai pendosa,
Tapi si jamal dan geng hantu laut di ajak sama kelompok pesugihan penyembah setan untuk bersekutu dengan mereka yg golongan manusia, contoh penyihir vegas, kartel dukun2 pesugihan lainnya termasuk kristen katolik,
Lalu menukarnya dengan darah orang2 soleh atau muslim,
Jadilah bbrp pembunuhan yg dilakukan densus 88 dengan retorika teroris,
Tujuannya darah muslim atau solihin jadi tumbal pesugihan kelompok jamal balak ini,
Agar jamal melindungi mereka dan membunuh sebagian muslim, sebagai tumbal,
Lalu hukum ku datang, untuk membalikkan segalanya sesuai keadilan, yg salah kembali di hukum yg baik akan di jaga
Ratu adil mengembalikan operasional hukum asbab dosa menjadi kembali pada seharusnya yaitu dihabisi dengan azab yg sesuai dosa !
Anda tau tdk? Kenapa keaadaan skrg spt ini?
Balak jamal hantu kraken cumi adalah azab Allah, yg bertugas membantai pendosa,
Tapi si jamal dan geng hantu laut di ajak sama kelompok pesugihan penyembah setan untuk bersekutu dengan mereka yg golongan manusia, contoh penyihir vegas, kartel dukun2 pesugihan lainnya termasuk kristen katolik,
Lalu menukarnya dengan darah orang2 soleh atau muslim,
Jadilah bbrp pembunuhan yg dilakukan densus 88 dengan retorika teroris,
Tujuannya darah muslim atau solihin jadi tumbal pesugihan kelompok jamal balak ini,
Agar jamal melindungi mereka dan membunuh sebagian muslim, sebagai tumbal,
Lalu hukum ku datang, untuk membalikkan segalanya sesuai keadilan, yg salah kembali di hukum yg baik akan di jaga
Ratu adil mengembalikan operasional hukum asbab dosa menjadi kembali pada seharusnya yaitu dihabisi dengan azab yg sesuai dosa !
Having fun in Texas🥲
Техас только выступил против Байдена. Жаль Людей и Животных, домашних и Лесных.
The fires is out has been for days
Holy shitten farten poopsky and roast beefs.
No Climate change dew, dew, dew.😢
Só não será atingido quem tiver telhado azul.
Get back to Europe invaders you don’t belong 😃this Mexico thieves criminals invaders😎
Piada do palhaço BOZO:Já que tudo vai se queimar mesmo, com super aquecimento do mundo, então por que não jogar milhões de litros de gasolina nas florestas que sobraram e queimar tudo duma vez?kkkk
Biden l'incendiaire pour ruiné Trump !
اللوبي اليهودي المعتدي هو من يحرق غابات العالم، يجب التحقيق وسترون ماأقول لكم.
Way america behave…..well…..no surprise.
One cant hurt others without hurting yourself.
It is onness.
When humanity will understand this simple Truth?
Illusion oc separation only cayse of all pain and suffering in the world. USA think it separate and go arount killing distroying everytjing and everyone just to slightly improve own life stile.
Sodom and Gomora.
🚨 Let´s save our planet 🌎 Come to the International Online Forum Global Crises. The RESPONSIBILITY. December 2nd 👀 to decide 🙏🏾 where we are going ⚖️
Stop war with Russia.
Hummmmmmm, very suspicious
These fires were started as retaliation for Texas trying to keep illegal immigrants from invading their state.
Laser Beam Fire's!! Like MAUI!!????
O ser humano destrói suas próprias vidas e acaba com a paz dos bichinhos q maldade!!!….volta Jesus e salva aa crianças e os bichinhos 😢😢😢😢😢….a taça humana é uma praga 😢😢😢
Tecnologia láser, esta metido la potencia
Этааа армагидонн скораа будед библия гаваритця боог людии сталии злыйее бедный багатый везде мировой апасности.вайна голод.
This is no natural wild fire. Gotta get rid of all that beef and farmland so the wef can achieve their agenda. Klaus will be happy. Whoever set this fire there is a place in hell for them. Our world is being ruined alright but not because I use plastic in my home but by those who want to control us and frighten us into submission to eat bugs. They are unhinged lunatics. God bless all the people whose livelihoods have been ruined, those that have died and all the animals that have died and wildlife.
Pidan ayuda urgentemente y a bomberos de otros países. No pude ser. Pobres animales. La gente como quiera se larga pero no los animales pobrecitos son escenas dantescas insoportables de ver
Senjata dan kendaraan yang dikirim untuk membunuh keluarga kami umat Islam Palestina Allah Maha Menepati janji atas segala Kezholiman terhadap umat Nya Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal Maula wanikmal Nassir Umaty Rasulullah Laa Illaha Ilallah Muhammadar Rasulullah ALLAHU AKBAR 😢🤲☝️
Происходит изменение климата. Жизнь человека под реальной угрозой.
Chegou a hora que vocês tem que ouvir as palavras do profeta João Batista arrependei vos
We are in end times. Sinners will be punished in the hell and the pure souls will be sent to heaven once after judgement day is over😊😊😊
Buying land, cutting down forests and growing cereals are not the natural protection of the Earth.
تغير المناخ
Get rid of that evil government do you have in Texas. God is in charge not your governor
Was this started like lahina?.
Get what you get you yankee fucks
Планета наказывает человечество, за варворское отношение к самой природе 🙏🙏🙏
Bu juda yomon boʻlibdi toʻxtatishni chorasini topish darkor olov bu juda xavfli ofat lekin mundoq oʻylssang burjoʻylarga bunday ofatlar kam chunkiy bu ablax burjoʻylar dunyo boʻylab yomonlik va urush olovini yoqib qayerga borishsa oʻsha davlatda urush boʻlmoqda bilmaydikuy bunday yomonlik qilgan bilan teppada xammasini boshqaruvchi yomonlikka albatta yomonlik bilan oʻziga qaytarishini mana bu ofatlar yaqqol namunasidir yomonliklarini lekin tavba va chin yurakdan ibodat ofatlar yoʻlini toʻsadi. Craf.
次期首都が狙われてますね‼️ 何をしてきても負けはしない‼️トランプ大統領が率いる🇺🇸わ🌞2度と植民地支配は受けない‼️と🌐が祈ってます🙏
Stop war worlwide
… MOST HIGH will destroy the US… and nobody will be able to help you…
Wild fire or anti farming set fires?