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Watch the full fℹ️get on unlockme.t patron is down right now
The dislikes go crazy
What why u block it
They your friends but they not your friends
Why do y'all cut it out 6.36$ to watch the video y'all crazy
Its funny how yall dont show den fighting like be frl df
On my soul da girl in black an gray with da Bonnet needa tuch some grass 😒
Bro the girl in all black she frl a charader frl like on my mama she one cant say nun bout it btc.
I don't like you guys toxic n start drama for views
I want Emily head.
Emily should try out for baddie west audition
I'm gone say this lol she got fk up
Wait why was they holding minne?
😂 Emily is so funny bra😂😂
Troy: where her wig at Emily
Emily: in my pussy
Bruh I was wondering who wig it was cuz I haven’t been watching all the videos im just now catching up😭
Emily wanna be in every thing
But it was funny yanni beet her black and blue I was dieing laughing when they fight it be the main people who talk theost is the one who get beet to his/her knees 😂😂💯🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I recognize that is nette bsf😂😂😂
I am going and stop watch you cuz you said no cuts
Emily got a deep voice tf
yall had me watch this video nn yall played me 🤨🤨?? i wanted to see fights smh .
Bruh it always u and the mini ads
Bruh You Paying Us 6 dollars and 32 cents to see it
" Aint that your freind over dere"
Why she cut her hair 🌚
den we gotta pay 6$ y’all trippin
This is a scam bra we got to pay to see it
Tf Is This Shii
0:50 0:51 0:52 0:52 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:54 0:54 x x x would be great for me and my wife to comes back with you to my friend's house 2:09 just in barusin weeks with you to my friend is just in the house for a boyfriend
That’s my cigarette $ pay 4 what??! 🤣 FOH
And those “SMALL ONES” are the ones to really watch out for😅( almost $7 for less than a minute) lmfao! ANY DAMN THING FOR A DAMN BUCK
Men shouldn’t be fighting women
Bruh this made me not wanna watch u quit blocking it outtttttt
be nice to see the vid
You gotta pay to see the video bro
You do to much
My mom would have shaped me and my sister
Why Emily doing all of that she doing too much
he lied …..
Bro this is crazy 😮