This is your Daily Dose of Laughter.
It’s Saturday, which means it’s time for the 1 Hour Impossible Try Not to Laugh Challenge 😂! In this week’s best fails of the week, we have everything to make you laugh. Watch these hilarious videos of 2024 and give a good laugh.
Week after week, the Impossible Try Not to Laugh Challenge brings us some of the funniest fails in the world. Whether it’s people trying to do impossible stunts or animals going crazy, we just can’t help but laugh. Watch as these hilarious videos fail and have a good laugh!
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#DDOL #Fails #dailydoseoflaughter #dailydoseoflaughs
try not to laugh impossible 2024
Predictable as ever. If there's water, someone's going in. If someone's running, they're gonna fall. Any mode of transportation is gonna flip/crash/person falls off. People scared of animals or getting jump scared. Don't forget the clips of people trying to use a hammock. It's easy to not laugh when you see what's coming a mile away.
To bad try harder 😂
These were amusing but an easy challenge.
Very funny 😆😂
Laughed so hard at these fails. Thanks for posting!
Over an hour of vertical videos. No thank you. Never again!
I lasted 2 seconds ha ain't the first time haha 😂
nice video
3:50 so eine Frechheit die ekelhaften Quanten da vor zu strecken.
This video is the perfect combination of funny fails and amazing stunts! It had me laughing from start to finish😆😆😆
wow, this video is more funny than I expected
I lasted 2 seconds ha ain't the first time haha
жиробасики прикольные 😂
Америка пора худеть и за ум браться.