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#FailArmy #Fails
98 fails, almost….
"oh my god its so cold" well yea dude tf you think, its frozen
People are soòoo STUPID and what gets me they LAUGH !!!!!👎
0:31 bro what is that ratatouille ah looking thing
Way to many commercials…
Last clip was good😂
0:35 😂😂😂
I bet Gordon Ramsay would lose his s**t even more than usual if he saw that in person.
I’ve got so many things to say
This one was Not as funny as most😢😢😢😢😢
I need to know if the man washing the chicken fed that to his family!!
so funny
8:36 one might think he would have learned By Now to prop the door open…
Не смешно.
Also 14 minutes and 37 seconds of me saying to the screen "You f*cking idiot"
11:07 Pareceu aquelas IA comendo algo kkkkk
2:26 Umbrellus Expandus!
1:54 LOL snot bubble
1:27 I GOT BIT!!!
That mf washing the meat 💀