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Song : Confessin. Song : Hey There.
Artist : John deley. Artist : Half cool
Album: Confessin. Album : Hey There
Song : All Board. Song : Reubens Train
Artist. Silent Partner. Artist: Nat keefe
Album: All Board. Album: Moving Train
Song : Moving up
Artist: Dan lebowitz
Album : Moving up
Когда люди падают, это не смешно!
really good video. Thank you
Rumor has it, parasailor is sailing above China airspace.
The cop picking up the one guy like an unruly toddler was too funny.
I love the video where the bear almost gets into the car. Even the bear knows not to mess with an angry black woman… lol❤
Are they really playing the Humpty Dance in the 2nd clip?
6:35 que pedazo de … Grita por un pájaro mas chico q la palma de la mano!!
so funny
5:29 why did she have to slam the door so hard?
So what state did the para glider end up in?
Just watched a guy float away to his death and all he could say was “frickin A” 😅
1:45 – more fun than a cat carrier full of ferrets.
1:45 – the ferret trying to steal the door to save his comrades.
Good stuff, thanks.
0:07 he picked him up like he was a rag doll lol 😂
4:10 my guy is the next cast away…
4.14 still not found him lol
3:02 😂😂😂
The commentary in this video makes it even funnier!
You have just been owned by Carl the tiny bird.
That's the end of the video, not "that the end". One final fail eh?
Pretty one guy that fell was about to dump hot water on windows.
Lol " they just lost that dude"
old trash bag commercial hefty hefty hefty/ verses wimpy wimpy wimpy then you need um dude John Cena walking in shaking his head.
reminds me of my teenage years and younger your going to flush your sinuses with lake water and your going to come off the tube one way or another. My chest muscles were so sore for days gripping so tightly. You’ll use muscles you think or don’t use very often. But it’s alot of fun.
Parents like the dad at 2:00 are what's wrong with kids today. You're not doing that kid any favors. She'll grow up thinking every failure is a win and need a participation trophy for everything.