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About the Author: Chasing MaxPrizes


  1. Not very related to this video but since everyone telling what their daddies told them 40 years ago, mine said “the second you lose respect for the bike is the second your putting yourself in line to be killed”

  2. When i was about 15 i was with my friend going down this long grassy hill at 80/120 mph and i fell and toasted a Yamaha 120cc and broke my arm, collarbone, and a part of my hip shattered

  3. 🟦… As SLOWLY as the truck tow'n the trailer pulled out, I'm Really surprised The biker never made a move to avoid him?… How the heck could he NOT have SEEN him?…It's as if he was Totally OBLIVIOUS tuh what was in front of 'im!!

  4. That bike was easily going 100 mph. So was the other one which was able to speed on by and leave the carnage behind and forgotten.

  5. Had that biker not been speeding, and doing so to an excessive degree, he’d have been able to slow down enough to avoid the truck.

  6. I don't ride M.C. but my friends who do ride have talked about "laying the bike down". It appears the M.C. didn't see the trailer and didn't take evasive action. Is it possible to lay a M.C. down at the speed that M.C. was going? Looks like the M.C. may have been going 40 to 50 mph.

  7. Them boys were going way too fast for the setting. The guy didnt pull out in front of them so much as one of them ran into him from excessive speed. Wld not have happened if they weren't speeding.

  8. Maybe wearing bright colors while riding motorcycles will make them more visible to motorists, maybe. Bright yellows, orange, ? So horrible this accident, late condolences to family members. 😥😟💖

  9. This video reminds me of people walking into a crosswalk & expecting traffic to stop for them & then they get hit & they can't believe it! EVERY MC driver has to drive DEFENSIVELY or they will be in a collision. The truck hauling the trailer had the right-of-way because if the MC driver had not been speeding or had been paying attention, there would be no collision.

  10. It never matters how good a rider you think you are ormactually are, you cannot control what other people do. Anyone speeding on a motorcycle on public roads is just stupid.

  11. I assume the clown towing the boat wasn't looking – I hope that's the case, but I would not rule out stupidity and simply not caring that there was a bike roaring down the street. Doesn't look like the bike was paying attention either – never even slowed down and was likely going WAY too fast under the circumstances.

  12. The truck pulled out so slow and yes it's the truck's fault, but that motor cycle looked like he never let off the gas…..yes, it's the truck's fault, but still this could have been a very minor bump or totally avoided if the bike had hit his brakes hard…

  13. Looks like a combination of the truck driver pulling the boat didn't see the bikers coming, and most likely the biker was going above the speed limit, but not excessively. Too bad for the biker.

  14. Hi y’all, I am a newbie who got a 1000cc bike as my first ! Since I drove many years in big cities and highways I can be rightly biased to say that I am always extra careful around PU trucks, teen drivers & Karens in SUV’s ! Kept me safe for a while 👍 Also anytime I approach an intersection I look at my rear view mirrors first, then slow down to 40MPh while in 2nd Gear ! This is my protocol. Wish you all safe rides and safe happy new year ✌️

  15. If they're sitting there waiting for a gap in traffic you have to assume you are that gap in traffic. Whether they do it intentionally and don't care about your life, or if it's intentional blindness, either way you have to have already modulated your speed before you get to them.
    Right of way be damned.

  16. There was wayyyy too much disparity of speed in that intersection. Cyclist put too much faith in other drivers instead of leaving himself an out. Very sad.

  17. I ride a 1100cc bike , I would have stopped in that distance and time span I am sure, car and trailer were in the wrong but I am sure I would have seen his movement way back.

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