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I bought a low grade commercial laser light and wanted to see if captive Africa BIG and small lesser cats and some other animals could be enriched by it. I showed the light to each of them and recorded their responses.
Thanks for watching!
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That tiger belongs in the wild
Serval goes completly wild by the laser light.
Any f1 or f2 savannah cat owner will tell you how much servals love lights!
What you do for these big cats especially the cheetahs is awesome. I have got to come to where you are one day to meet them in person such amazing animals
I wouldn't trust the tiger fence, looks a little to low in height for me, after I have seen the video how a tiger caught a human from the top of a Indian elephant head.
Hope you gave the performing kitties a live treat?
7:45 Hey that's my cat!
5:21 he's like a dad who's on his final straw LOL
How the frick did you compose that awesome book animation?
Wow wow wow, such gorgeous animals. Dont ya just live the cheese out of these beauties?

You should have played with the first animals like you did with the wolf. The laser has to act scared for cats to be interested
I always wondered this
I wouldn’t trust a dude rolling up filming me with his phone either.
Fushan was like u better be going otherwise I will come and u won't like it
Dude, you have to let them "catch" it, then make it pop up again elsewhere!
Wild cats are just like chubby house cats
dude having a tiger hate you must be terrifying
The way that tiger was looking at him walking around lol.
I just love wild cats in savnnah!
Especially wolfs!
Tiger is hands down the scariest cat to encounter in the wild
In 10 million years after humans are wiped out when dogs and cats evolve intelligence they will have their own cryptids and key among them will be 'the red dot'
Did you accidentally insult that tigers mom or something? The body language of that tiger was screaming 'eff off.'
Serval is the best! Very playful cat!
I think, the target is too small for this "cat"
I didn't see what a lion would do. Did I miss that?
Its got to be weird to have goats and tigers and lions all in the same area and able to smell each other and hear each other. The goats gotta be terrified hearing hearing one roar or i would be lol
Yoooooooo he really DOES hate you. I thought you were being dramatic. He wants you bro lol.
This is dope and I appreciate the being careful not to lase them even when it'd not hurt to much. It's cool as fuck that you give them respect.
That you found some that like the toy is great. It looks like it would be a great enrichment toy for them.
I can't understand why you ran from the tiger in the cage. Did you think that he would break out and get you or something?
8:00 You would think those were housecats.
Fushan:"I'm done with your shit bob gtfo of my sight and take that stupid laser pointer with you
If the cat hunts bigger prey in the natural habitat, than they are not triggered by something small like this. If the natural prey is small or tiny, than the cats get triggered.
I did that to my cat she just looked at me like why
I love Servals!
Uuuummm…as someone who has played endlessly with a 'red light' with numerous cats and even a border collie over the years…using it in broad daylight is pointless! Notice how the animals that do respond in this video are doing so in scenes with lower lighting?
You should get a larger laser that has a focus option and refocus the laser to get a much larger dot and try it
big cat house cat still a cat running cat os
i meant to say leave him alone but said him twice
nope nope nope lets him him alone when there is a electric fence