🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. u/_Mewden_
2. u/jilaux
3. 21stCropseyAve – https://youtu.be/LmDxmHcDELQ — Funeral Procession gets stuck in traffic
4. Diesel Dad – — ( Nashville TN )
5. Anonymous
6. Bulliegh – https://youtu.be/8YPG-u2Imso — I was violently ATTACKED for NOT breaking any traffic laws
6. MotoRee – https://youtu.be/3JQADP0MeVM — Road rage against bikers! #mt09 #mt09sp ( California )
7. NeedTeddy – — Volvo XC90 Accident and Hit and Run ( Hamner Bridge, California )
8. Dr. Fafo PhD – — ( Around Denver CO )
9. ACE Sol – https://youtu.be/q88JRJF_wyE — Break Checking and Stopping
10. Anonymous
11. ApXWingman – https://youtu.be/aERimyMqR6A — Almost hit 4 times ( Richmond Hill, Ontario )
12. Fake Jeep – https://youtu.be/WNv-F2kj1H8 — Why does this keep happening here… ( Foley, AL )
13. Finish I-35 – https://youtu.be/8mgCnLdarqY — Dashcam – Lane Jumping Brake Check ( Kyle, TX )
14. u/codyrcrowder
15. Fortress of Solid Dudes – https://youtu.be/10BWC84c4NU — Car hauler forgets he’s hauling cars ( I-40 )
16. Justin – — ( San Antonio )
17. DashCamTrash – https://youtu.be/NEHmbROmscU — Lexus MA 4XNE48 nearly sideswipes, cuts me off twice ( MA )
18. u/MrSpiffy1979
19. Muffin & Flower’s RV Advetures – — ( Joliet Illinois )
20. Andy Phu – — ( Dallas, TX )
21. Anonymous
22. norm8332 – — ( Niagara Falls, NY )
23. Mrtoxiccodes – — ( Mt juliet TN )
24. Mateusz – https://youtu.be/yqoXktciH6I — Instant karma for Mustang driver trying to cut traffic ( Riverside California )
25. CR – https://youtu.be/KmV0-H_LIzE — Jeep Break Checks Tesla – Dash Cam ( Wichita, KS )
26. Anonymous
27. Zai McAm – https://youtu.be/RhnQN8oj1RQ — This old d**b mf!(road rage) ( Glendale CA
28. Simplygabe – — ( Forney, TX )
29. Brendon M. – — ( Round Rock, TX )
30. Anonymous
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
Yes, at 0:16 it's the same lady that causes the crash.
Send your videos to: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
2:23 I hate people who don't know or respect the rules of funeral processions. When it's theirs they care but otherwise the rest of us don't matter.
#2 Makes absolutely no sense. Who in their right mind would take a home depot car all the way out of the parking lot and end up on a side of the road? Other than theft, i have no clue.
#21. Red Camaro is not at fault. Camera is at fault for turning into the oncoming traffic, that truck is so stupid for pulling out in front of the Camaro especially on wet roads
6. Yeah cuz lane splitting is stupid, dangerous, and should be illegal everywhere.
I've come to accept that the Left Lane is for psychos, and I prefer to just stay out of there. No matter how fast you're going, someone is always going to think you're going too slow. Middle or Right lane, and go 5mph over the limit and you'll be fine/safe.
4: Rally couldn't have just gone over a bit? Good job being that guy I will assume your are driving a RAM3500.
Clip 5 is the biggest scumbag. He brake checked the pickup, which upset the pickup, then he tries to play innocent victim. Don't antagonize people if you're scared of their reactions.
4:13 You were attacked. Because you do not know how to "Drive Right" If you ARE NOT passing, you need to move to the RIGHT! The left lane is for passing. Not meandering along, forcing everyone to BREAK the law and pass on your right. WAKE UP!!!
not the first clip being the norfolk downtown tunnel i took to get to work today, knew the great wall of cargo container looked familiar.
.22 youre a sorey excuse for a man. "Im calling the police!!!! >:(((" tell em to bring a new diaper for you too.
.5 stop hogging the left lane. Yeah you were going too slow, keep right
9:09 I know where this is! Central Utah, in my opinion, has the WORST drivers ever! There’s always an accident or several pull-overs every single time I pass through. It’s the Kaysville-Davis county area. Also, Legacy pkwy is basically where Lagoon is (the only fun amusement park in Utah).
Always avoid Tesla OWNERS ! And JEEP OWNERS ! And. PRIUS. OWNERS !
11:36 #13 typical small brain pickup activities, you’re dumb asf for letting everyone see you initially slowing down then speeding up 12 mph for some stupid egotistical reason
#8 that car was doing literally nothing wrong… was clearly going a lot faster than all the other cars. So there is NO reason for the dashcammer to have been an asshole.
The guy who blocked the truck is the worst driver ever. Idiots go slow in the right lane.
#16 11:27 sped up 10 mph to block a faster car overtaking and chalks it up to "silver car decided they were bigger than my truck".. tell me you have a small dick without telling me you have a small dick
I see a common thread in a lot of these road rage videos.
Ah the controlled slowdown to cause more traffic jams and additional road rage.
#5 Of course the Camera is a POS, listen to whats on his Radio.
#7. How come the kid wasn't ticketed at least? I'm guessing the sheriff got the complaint but didn't see the video.
6 needs to get his happy ass out of the left lane. when one car is riding ur ass, theyre the problem when a line of cars is behind u then ur the problem
Ego on a motor cycle… yeah we've all seen them. Post vids like they did nothing wrong. Clowns.
"I'm calling police, I got a camera" – what a pathetic way to handle a road rage. Don't f-ing honk at ppl if you are can't deal with the consequences instead of crying and calling for your mom to tell on a guy for hurting your feelings
You can actually tell the difference between the wheat and the tares Jesus spoke of
I just love how that one about 6 mins into the video gets cut off and starts going all hard saying "Im gonna fuck this guy up" with alanis morisette playing in the background lol. Hardcore I tell ya.
American drivers are so fucking petty.
#12 sounds like your getting a fax coming threw
#15. Dude this shit has me in tiers
Most people don't realize it's illegal to impede a funeral procession in any way.
#28: "Traffic backed up? Hold my beer."
#16: Ouch. Saw that one coming.
#7 didn't even stop. Even when the construction worker told them to and had the sign out. They just went home. 75% their fault for not paying attention. 25% the other person's fault for stopping short like that.
These videos explain why I will NEVER drive even though I am old enough to do so.
0:26 cammer, sorry about your car but also thank you for hipping me to ToxicXEternity 🔥🔥