No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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poor baby..maybe its time to let him go Takis..so much pain and suffering
You tried your best thankyou!
Putting your baby to sleep for the last time is the WORST feeling in the world. I lost both my big dogs to cancer and old age in the same year and it still hurts years later.
It is very hard, but you made the right decision Takis. 😢💔
RIP Gabriel 😢
It is so sad when a dog feels so much pain and there's only so much you can do. I had to make that hard decision last summer, when my best friend Beau was suffering. It's hard, but it's harder for them to suffer. God bless you, Takis ❤
Yes bless him his time 😢❤
Bless him…well all miss him and hold him dear in our hearts…rest in peace baby…
O olhar da inocência em sofrimento destrói minha alma 😔
Sweet Gabriel is suffering 😢thank you for giving him a wonderful last days ❤Bless your heart Takis, I know how much you love all your doggies. 🐶
So sorry Takis, but he knew love and care thanks to you🙏🏼🥲
Please let us wait a day or two. Every minute of life is precious to him. Thank you.
Takis and the vet did the only right thing as Gabriel was full of cancers in his body and started to suffer. Thank you for giving Gabriel a few happy months after he came in the shelter more death than alive. It must be so difficult for Takis to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions. Playful cute puppies, animals recovering from illness and injuries and lately quite a few dogs he had to say goodbye to. Grandpa, Precious, Lady, Duke, Amigo, Indi and now Gabriel 😢
RIP, Gabriel. Just think how many thousands of dogs will be there waiting for Takis on the Other Side. 🌈 ❤
Bendito. RIP, Gabriel
Poor old guy. He had a good life with Takis.
Thank you Takis. It's beautiful how you have cared for Gabriel and gave him the happiness of knowing you. You are an angel on earth. God bless you both.
RIP Gabriel, you were a beautiful pup.
Sad for him butyou showed him so much love and care he ll go to heaven and be pain free but knows he had a beautiful man that took care of him ❤💕 🐶 💐
Yes, thank you for giving him a good life for as long as possible. I am so sad…beautiful boy
Our Gabriel is a lovely character. He's known a good life & love at the shelter. Sending positive energy for our boy.
Oh my God, please get well, beautiful boy ♥️🐕…😢
Querido Gabriel gracias por el amor y la alegría que trajiste al refugio y que Takis y tus compañeros te devuelven a raudales, querido amigo combativo ante la adversidad, leal, valiente, gracias, gracias querido Gabriel 💕🐕🐾
Bona nit , Sr. Takis ✨❤️🌹💫, por favor ❤️🌹💫 no deje que mi viejito de mi alma y de mi corazon Gabriel sufra , tome la decision que usted crea que es la mejor para el lindo Gabriel , no me gusta ver sufrir a ningun animal , y Gabriel parace que ya esta sufriendo ,por que se queja y se ve que no puede mas ,cuando lo rescato pesabamos que no duraria mas que unos dias o meses .
Y mira asta donde a llegado 1 año quiza!!!!!.
Usted Sr. Takis ✨, le a dado su mejor año o meses de toda su vida ,✨🤍🦮💫, a conocido el amor humano verdadero , a tenido amiguitos/as, a teniado el calor de hogar ,comida y agua fresca todos los dias, una cama , a jugado , a tenido los cuidados de todos , y cuidados medicos , carisias , felicidad , y mucho , mucho amor.
Usted Sr. Takis ✨, le a dado todo lo que le fue negado y a echo todo por el Gabriel .
No se si Gabriel a cruzado ya el puente del arcoiris 🌟🌈🦮🤍🌌🌟, como muchas gentes que escriben estan diciendo , pero que sepa Sr. Takis ✨, que si Gabriel se a ido al cielo 🌌, se fue sabiendo que le querian , no todis los humanos son malos .
Y si mi viejito se a ido lo unico que le deseo es que,✨🌟🕯️🕊️descanse en paz mi dulce Gabriel ✨🌟🕯️🕊️.
Mi corazon esta roto .
Gracias 🌟❤️🌹💫, Sr. Takis, ✨,por todos los momentos felices que le dio a el dulce Gabriel , nuca lo olvidaremos , ❤️🌹💫🤍🦮💫, siempre estara en su corazon ,y en el nuestros , le estoy infinitamente agradecida por todo lo que a echo por Gabriel , y por todos los demas animales , gracias a todos .
Bless you, Gabriel.
Cancer is food related and can be avoided by feeding a species appropriate diet.
For the health of everyone’s pets. Please read the book “Food Pets Die” For by Ann N. Martin. Don't use the recipes in the back though because they are not balanced. Also, look up Susan Thixton. Dogs and cats can live much longer than what you think is long. Kibble/dry food keeps animals alive but the animal is not thriving. It creates degenerative diseases (diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cancer, kidney and declining cognitive function and more) that show up later and owners put it down to old age. Feeding kibble, a highly processed food, puts your pets in a state of constant inflammation. Please educate yourself and don't be brain-washed by big commercial food companies and Big Pharma that fund vet schools. Kibble is dead food with no living enzymes. It is not human grade food. You need to feed your animals human grade food. Kibble is made from euthanized animals including your pets, from diseased and slaughtered animals from road kills and they even add feces and a lot worse stuff. There have been many recalls regarding pentobarbital (the drug used for euthanizing pets) found in commercial pet food. Big pet food companies lace the kibble with addictive stuff such as fats and more, to MAKE your animals eat the garbage, otherwise pets would not eat the stuff. Take control of your pets’ lives and your own because food companies do it to people too. PLEASE FEED YOUR PETS A SPECIES APPROPRIATE DIET, which mimics what dogs and cats eat in the wild. If you do not know what this is, please research and educate yourselves then pass on the information to other people. You can start with Dr. Karen Becker DVM regarding raw feeding for pets. Never stop educating yourselves in regards to proper nutrition for your pets. Remember, cats are obligate carnivores.
Rest in peace, beautiful Gabriel. Now you can run free again, with happiness and no more pain. ❤💔
God less Takis, the volunteers and Gabriel.
Thank God dear, brave Gabriel, the hero, is being loved so tenderly by Takis to the very end. We will all miss him. ♥🙏♥
Probably wont even read this hes so busy.
35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted 11 parts water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide is a panacea that will even cure cancer. Its for all living things. Its only oxygen.
Google "One minute cure PDF"