Valheim | Fighting 7 Simultaneous Queens on Very Hard

Valheim | Fighting 7 Simultaneous Queens on Very Hard
Spread The Viralist

The madman is back.

So um yea. Video speaks for itself. Had to learn a lot of new mechanics/gameplay for 7 Queen. That extra Queen taking up room/spawning up seekers/extra spew really made things cramped and tight. Traditional mage strategies for the Queen typically say to ONLY stay up in the upper citadel and when something goes wrong, bubble glide down. Well, with this many Queens you can’t always necessarily be up top. So I had to get used to being downstairs. Granted there’s not much mist downstairs due to clever wisp torch placement (I put wisp torches inside the walls by using finewood stacks and and therefore the Queen can’t reach them). Lots of death due to not understanding how compact the arena was and not understanding when to look out for the Queen and when not to. I’ve noticed that 3 Queen and 4 Queen are similar in difficulty, and 5 and 6 are similar in difficulty, and 7 and 8 are too. (I’ve cleared 8 Queen very hard by the time of writing this description). I’m currently working on 9 Queen very hard (and some of the clips in the beginning are actually from 9 Queen vh, I just didn’t have enough clips to fill up the entire song playing basically) but I do not think 9 Queen vh is possible, it’s the limit.

As for the duration of the 7 Queen very hard and the quality of it (Am I proud of it etc). I’d rate this a solid 8/10. I was pretty sloppy in the opening sequence, I’d also like to refine my 7 Queen mechanics a little more, (less close moments and near death experiences), and I wish I could’ve singled out the Queens a little more like I did in 6 Queen hard: , oh yea I also killed 6 Queen VH just never published the video lol, oops and here’s 7 Queen normal (full on commentary)

Guess I’ll define what a close moment vs a near death experience is to me
Close moment: A moment where I’m close to dying, but I’m not uncomfortable/nervous about the situation.
Near death experience: Caught off guard or nervous/panicked in the moment
Anything else that you guys think would be a near death experience/close moment are not a close moment or near death for me at this time. I’ve spent close to 150 hours on various Queen challenges, I’m pretty comfortable in the Queen arena.

All skills used were at 99. I have a mod that essentially reverts my character and world back to a certain time/date, but it was breaking in the course of this run and I was having to deal with that. Gauldr table disappearing, skills not being adjusted, wisp light and feathercape not working etc, was not very fun.

10 Queen normal –

00:00 – Death compilation/Intro
3:00 – 7 Queen Very Hard
24:30 – Terra smiling somewhere with a very economical Queen
26:10 – 7 Queen Very Hard
36:30 – One of my favorite moments in Valheim
43:00 – Specifically this sequence
44:00 – 7 Queen Very Hard
1:13:02 – Building cinematic/Outro


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About the Author: Scales


  1. Hey gamers, so this is a longer form video, and I know that the majority of you like shorter form videos. So I'll highlight some cool moments from the experience.
    00:01 to 3:00 – Death highlight vid, pretty epic
    24:30 to 26:10 – Killing a 60% hp Queen in 1min 35 seconds or so, economics, bitch
    36:40 to 44:20 – Just an amazing sequence, especially 43:10 to 44:00, it's now one of my favorite moments in Valheim, nothing more epic than dodging and evading 6 queens at their peak aggression.
    1:13:01 to the End – Highlights all of my builds in the Mistlands age. Not only can I be pretty good at combat but I'm also a capable builder.

    Of course all of these will be chapters in the video, but just in case yall missed that, here's this comment lol

  2. Really fantastic vod Scales. Thank you so much for letting us hang out – that was a blast.

    I had some kind of server lag at the end and missed Thread's comment about killing multiple queens so hence my statement "you must be talking to Thread"…lol OF COURSE you were. ЁЯЩВ (and OF COURSE, Thread could do that).

    Really an amazing edit from start to finish, but especially an amazing feat. Looking forward to more good stuff from you.

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