On this episode of Into The Hood, Spanian visits the Notorious town of Alice Springs in Australia’s Outback.
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On this episode of Into The Hood, Spanian visits the Notorious town of Alice Springs in Australia’s Outback.
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Produced by Spanian Media
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Shithole with shitty people..don't go and leave em to delete each other. Natural law at work.
aboriginals 60,000 years they say and still achieved nothing. so sad
Sounds like this city needs conceal carry! Too bad you let your government screw you out of keeping your guns!😢
i never thought AUS was like this holy shit seems just as bad as here in london maybe worse in some ways LOL i always thought AUS was completely different like a paradise place to live with all nice people most native no crime and shit….fuckin neighbours, home and away , fosters and the adverts and other things was all pulling the wool over our eyes or mine at least ffs 😅
Spanian OG showing life around Australia, great video and all videos great showing the reality of the country and it’s places, respect brother much love ❤️. Give insight on the society and like one of the fullas said not like other places where you can just go different suburbs if you live in a city so true shows how much Australia is underdeveloped definitely so much potential in expanding this country instead of just bum rushing cities and focusing on them, packing them, with zero expansion just overpopulating them so much value and potential can be reached in this country to be honest. Happy that spanian is shedding light on the society in Australia that needs attention and support to actually make something out of this country rather then have it self destruct and put little to zero effort in it. Seems like money talks and just nothing changes once the ones in power are comfortable they have their way and lose care for society and it’s country
Around 44:10 get that man a NRL contract smoked the lad with the BONG in his pocket 😤 step oos, Step oos oos 🤫 lata bolt!
They could do one thing , CLEAN UP YOUR HOMES, mow the lawn , get rid of all the car bodies etc . You all want help , but you can't even look after yourselves . Stop blaming everyone else and start to respect yourselves . Part off the trouble is , if anyone tries to intervene or put any restrictions on Indigenous People , that is different to any other group of people / cultures it's called racism . Correct me if I'm wrong , but most of the trouble , the people you see causing the issues , are Indigenous .
It's not about the colour, European and many other races have been drinking for thousands of years. So we have a thing called a tolerance and can handle it better. I remember as a kid seeing the wife's getting there teeth knocked out. I have many Aboriginal friends though I know what I've seen so it's not about skin colour.
lmao look at these knobends with neck tattoos
So basically. The immigration policies have lead to this area being unlivable. Great. Another western country destroyed.
coming from a shit hole in london i think id be more bothered about the Insects constantly flying around ya bothering ya…i dont know what they are but it kinda seems like being attacked by the fucking midges in scottland that come in swarms and eat you alive not nice at all lol….just found your channel keep up the good work mate take care of yourself 💙
Alice Springs is not tiny…. its almost a city.
I walked home every night after a late and had no issues……. one marriage proposal at 0130 one morning.
The biggest problem was Uncle Eddys closing.
I'm driving into town on the weekend and will wander around, no problems.
Its hardly Sunnyvale…….
The most racist people there are the Taxi drivers…….
No disrespect intended but that looks like a normal Tuesday in Glasgow.
Only difference at least it's not raining.
post the logan video today!
Was a bouncer up north for 10 years, know all about it, rats come out at night, every one knows that… Left my v8 car out of my garage for 1 night on the street took the starter out of it, woke up in the morning and all the cars in the street had their starter motors and battery's taken out of their cars just to try and get the V8 for a joy ride…. Spent all night trying that clearly…. They can work hard when they want😭😭😭
Should've sussed Pine Gap
I hate it when people throw the term Un-Australian, whatever the fuck that is, except and only perhaps anyone so full of it and always pointing at someone else as examples of it.
I do on the other hand think I know, at least little bit, about what being an Aussie is all about.
It Deeply Saddens me to see so very little of it in the behavior of fellow Australians and their treatment of each other in way this video shows.
Especially this seemingly erotic like fetish of people who sre not only give the impression that they are attacked and facinated by violence.but are apparently turned on by Aussies not behaving or treating each other like Aussies deserve and expect, but like a buch of cunts behaving like fucking dogs. Anyone who likes watching this shit should I suggest. take a hard look at themselves and a big fucking think about whether they like what see.
I fukn love all my fellow Australians, It's the best part about Australia, it's full of Aussies. I don't care how long they or how lomg their family history does back. Part of the firrst Australians or fresh of the boat last week. it makes little difference to how I tthink and feell, if in my powere to help or defend any Aussie in need I'll do it if their prepared to accept it. To me thats what being Australian is all about, having a crack at it..Nobody is perfect, nor do I expect it buit always having at being righteous to all your mates, especially whern were sailing fast up creek. There are very difficult times ahead, I fear. It will test us, perhaps as we have never been tested before in our own survival, as collective and as individuals but I am also confident. If any people, any nation can edure the challenges that lie ahead us, it's the Aussies. When we all pull together in the same direction, at the same time, it's pretty fucking amazing, if anyone should doubt that they go ask the Japanese & the Germans about 1942 & 1943.that ended their march or aggression. Before Elete Australians forces defeated the Axis powers decisively om the battlefields of El Alemain and Milne Bay in World War 2 the Allies has never achieved a clear victory until the Aussies ans the Kiwis, backs up against the wall stopped the until stopped the until then seemingly unstoppable and after that, we and all of our aliies, never suffered a defeat.
What a dump,thanks for showing it for real.
I think grandgrand patents of these people used to wear chains and balls
It's very odd that you are allowed to name the people who are causing the majority of the crime there. What did you call them, indigenous or natives? In America, we aren't allowed to say that, we cannot name who is doing the crimes. In fact, many cities will no longer reveal the suspects race, they say it promotes "racism." The official narrative is that White, rural rage is to blame for all the crime. Hundreds upon hundreds of videos of mostly young Black folks committing loosely organized crimes, smash & grabs, robberies, random assaults, shootings, racist violence against Asian women & elderly men, and their special move: Ten on one fights, with them kicking the person in the head repeatedly after they are down. It is indicative of being raised, unfortunately, without a father or positive male role model to teach self-respect, impulse control, and delayed gratification. At minimum someone to teach them positive masculinity a soft touch with women, for real men don't hit women.
Yet our President is still telling the country that the greatest threat of violence is from White men! Every weekend an average of 15-20 people are shot & 6 are killed in Chicago. EVERY weekend… And it is NOT White people who are doing the shooting.
That willful obfuscation & gaslighting is getting more Black people killed. They're so busy looking for the KKK or Nazis that are allegedly around every corner, while walking into a warzone in NYC, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, LA, Miami, Houston, or Portland.
I have plenty of Black friends who DON'T run amok on crime sprees, but even they know that it's not White guys who are doing all the crime.
Hats off to you! I did several years behind the walls here in Detroit in the late 1990s, so I know how it is. Cheers from the Motor City!
Unbelievable!! Let’s ogggg
Woooheeee. That looks crazy! The cars tho 💋💋💋 perfection! I’d love to just sit and do car photography there. But I’m in New England- never traveled anywhere not even In the states. But this looked like a good time. I go to car meets here in the states so I am used to things getting rowdy and there’s been guns pulled and shit, I’ve always got a knife on me for my own safety and protection. But I’d never just start using it on someone. But I don’t drink or do drugs either though, so a lot of people who get rowdy at meets are usually on something which makes everything unpredictable and dangerous at times. Being the photographer for different crews including running my own car crew with my photography I’ve seen some shit, heard some shit, but I’ve also got this community of other presidents of car crews who have my back while I’m taking photos of their cars or other peoples cars. But damn this looks fun just for the experience but I’d love to photograph those cars. The sounds they make ugggg. Love it. Well I subbed to you I love what you’re doing and glad I randomly came across your channel 🖤 stay safe out there!
Spanian is like the pied piper! You’re a positive influence on these people.
Lol guess like your the only one driving out there 😊
I'd say to leave it to the elders but alcohol fucks people up
There's no fixing that shit. Too many crazies.
good episode right here
I have mad respect for you Spanian for covering a social and economic crisis in a first world country where the asshole government doesn't giving two shifts to try deal with particular issues sitting at the ACT with all their tax money and dealing with shit like pronouns, gender etc etc. Shit that makes no impact to society
Spread gospel and go up as a candidate for the community bro you got support fix the issue for Australia next 20 years…
Even a streetwise guy like Spanian needed local boys to get him through those streets at night. If you live there, you can probably get by, know what to do and what not to do. But it's just heart-breaking that all those fine-looking youngish people have nothing to do with their energy and high spirits than look for crazy street runs, brawling and vandalism. They need amazing things like public planetariums, for night sky viewing, water parks for calming night swims, illuminated geodesic domes playing indigenous rock fusions to audiences sitting beside them, free capsule hotels if you need a safe space to sleep, free public cafeterias for hungry people and voluntary night work in bushcare programs, for example. Governments have spent billions and billions on trying to close the gap but there has never been any really imaginative, outside the box thinking on how to enhance and calm the daily and nightly! lives of the people of Alice Springs and similar towns.
OMG the place looks so nice and clean as well, compared to the shithole I live in in Britain, it's not as bad as that of a night time though!
That fly made me cough… 🪰
Another sweet video Spanios…
Keep up the good work mate…
Looking forward to bush camp dentist kangaroo hunting.🦷🦘👍🏼
The guys showing you around are really cool
Damn i thought Guildford was bad lool
My brother told me Alice Springs was a shit hole while serving in the armed forces, never believed him until i watched this video
Seriously why the f..7 would you want to live there.
You're a legend SPANIAN ❤❤❤ keep it up, luv watching your YouTube videos ❤❤
All blacks looks like from one Father
why did I grow up thinking it was some lovely tourist town??
10:40 – How is it surprising that you can't buy alcohol depending on where you're from? Across the middle of the country, they can't even sell regular petrol in the stations because the boongs will buy it just to huff it….
What shit hole
Where are you from?
You have a hilarious accent!
South Africa I'm guessing
Black fellas stabbing and bashing each other, trashing the town, stealing, abusing etc, but the problem is racism? 😂 yeah ok.
If Australia wants to solve its immigrant crisis, they should ship all illegal arrivals to Alice. If they survive a year, they get citizenship. Problem solved.
All over the news up here in QLD lad lets ogg