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I trained a Greyhound / Sloughi to be a assistance dog for a lady and now she is planning to move to Australia so that is a long process as well
What they did to Lucy is a crime
Poor Disco. Maybe he ate a toad or a spider bit him.The owner must have been questioned. I don't know.
Was cookie ever spayed? They never mentioned anything about that. It’s essential if you are not going to breed a female ferret that she gets spayed. Otherwise she will die from anemia.
RIP cookie
Daisy is such a unique looking dog, so cute 😊😊😊
We lost a young poodle to parvo when it first came out. At that time there wasn't even a vaccination for it. To all dog owners please get your dogs vaccinated for this!!! I'm kind of amazed that it's still an issue out there. The poodle we lost happened almost 50 years ago. I remember I was in elementary School when it happened.
I watched it all. Keep em coming! Thank you!
I bet anything that cookie the ferret was in season and never brought out which would cause anemia and it kills them
When I was 2 years old my mom gave birth to my second sister whom Mama named Adrienne Grace but I called her "Chookie". I must have thought Mama gave me a CHICKEN! I finally found out WHY from the Bondi Vets. Until I discovered them I didn't know that is what chickens are called in the Galic language. On my mom's side, my ancestors come from Rathven, Banfshie, and Perthshire, Scotland with a little Irish thrown in from Armauge County. My sister does not like the name I gave her! 😂,👵🐈⬛🐈⬛ Me and my cats Teo and Twotwo
When we suspected Parvo…we did not wait..there is a smell that parvo gives off…it is one scent i will never forget
Haven't watched the vid yet, but the title should probably be fixed, unless 'Cost to Coat' is a new series I haven't heard of lol
What happend to the brown dog that got the blodtransfusion, i didnt see the owners after?
The owner of Cookie wrote on the original episode, and thanked people for their lovely caring comments❤
When that Chicken was found crossing the road…. Did anyone think to ask her why?
The way Elvis put his head over the vet while getting his blood drawn 🥰 he’s so sweet!
These vets need to not charge so much money for vet care and maybe more people could afford to have the service done.
I have no idea why the sea turtle had to have a CT scan with contrast when it was known already by ultrasound that she had developing follicles.
I want you guys when I grow up
after loosing my cat to anesthesia, i don’t blame the vets at all. i know they tried everything they could to help my baby before she passed. thank you for treating these animals and doing everything you can.❤
If my pet was getting a prosthesis n came out with half a tennis ball on em I'd go nuts! The dog owners that don't vaccinate should be prosecuted, n the woman with matilda, get out when doing procedures woman! God dogs tranquilise can't hear u!!