Krethusa the Croneseer warscroll is awesome!

Krethusa the Croneseer warscroll is awesome!
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  1. I love the concept of having an anti-army within the army. It's the one niche within it designed for those people who (like me), like, say, Daughters of Khaine but don't like Morathi, suddenly get an option to play the army. It's very nice and cool.

  2. I like the character and rules are interesting but I am all about the snakes so not one for me. Also that army of renown, how many of the rider kit did they make? That or someone has a real thing for albino sad boys in the studio

  3. Hey! Great video as always! For the Burnt offerings, I'd say it's likely that the rule can actually be only used in your hero phase, not the hero phase. It's probably a mistake from GW, they did the same with the Celestial Hurricanum, it had the same phrasing, and they corrected it recently!

  4. I’ve wanted to play DoK since I started.. I even have Witch Elves units converted into Blissbarbs and Deamonettes in my Slaanesh army. I just really don’t like the snake thing (it’s just not for me, nothing against people who enjoy them). So this is very enticing.

  5. I certainly think she is a good addition to DoK, but my ability to roll 1s to fail a 2+ is pretty spectacular so she's unlikely to ever realise her full value in lists I assemble.

    Given some of what is happening in the story, and some of the clues from this article I also wonder if they are not going to turn the Shadow Queen into Khaine at some point.

  6. Think it's interesting to note the timing like you said. Normally "At the start of the Hero Phase stuff" you'll have to wait until opponent is all done then you can do yours, ie with your heroic action, so it should be the same with "in the hero phase".
    Great stuff as always <3

  7. Worth noting that her warscroll spell says equal to or greater than the wounds characteristic, so a 2 wound unit is 83% and a 3 wound is 66% to be permanently debuffed

  8. I believe RAW she shouldn't even be trying her ability until after the active player has done all their hero phase. People have suggested moving a warlock into range for unbind if the enemy chooses Magical Dominance, i feel this wouldn't be allowed. Definitely a TO question. The other situation is that sometimes a player has only medium ranged spells and chooses to not cast any, but then Krethusa brings a unit closer. Can the wizard now choose to cast? Obviously, in a casual game, yes, but in a tournament finals?

  9. I think for the price, it's insanely good.

    I think the precedent and good sportsmanship behaviour is always to give your opponent the opportunity to use their ability, if they choose not to you then proceed. If you say ok I'm going to cast blizzard on this unit, and then your opponent says oh wait I'm going to burn and move, I'd say, well I gave you the opportunity to do that before I declared what I was doing, respectfully, my ability is already being actived.

    Also to note I think it's important to be clear that every phase has a "at the start of", "in the" and " at the end of" as sub phases.

  10. She fits perfectly into my renown 4 avatar list by just dropping a medusa and giving the arcane tomb to the gladiatrix. Its awesome for my list. Screw those snakes 😉

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