Powerful poltergeist activity destroys furniture in the house, it all happened so fast. How the tripod was moving also was very scary, it almost looks like its always across the front of the camera. Living room camera was out of focus, the static one. Thats nothing paranormal, i didn’t focus it correctly.
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##### These are our personal experiences living in a haunted house. I am not nor have i ever claimed to be an expert on the paranormal. We film and publish our footage on YouTube, what you choose to make of it/believe is ultimately down to you. #####
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#haunted #ghosts
Try Arnica Lee, the Forever brand helped so much with eczema which was quite inflamed. Test a bit first though.
Oh my God, this situation is like paranormal domestic violence. And i wonder if the entity(s) want you to actually leave, or they want you there to terrorize and feed off. We care about you Lee and family. Good prayers for you 🙏❤
This video was intense😮😮
I have been saying for months to say st Benedicts prayer
When are the people you have said that are coming to help you it was meant to be after christmas but nobody has helped you.WHY ARE YOU NOT STILL GETTING HELP BY PROFESSIONAL PARANORMAL GHOST HUNTERS.
Its ln the one that is before your last one,its om that one.
Praying for you as always.Lee reply to my comment om the cross i got you and stacey.
My country is Iran, God has chosen Hazrat Suleiman to give a command to the nation. Please spread the verses of the Qur'an at home, Ayat al-Kursi, the prayer of the Qur'an so that you are away from danger.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello Lee, I hope you are well, I was worried, please take care of yourself, take care of your family, communicate via walkie-talkie, give him a sacrifice so that he will leave your house, every day the devil is getting stronger, please make a sacrifice❤❤❤❤
Hey Lee!! Haven't messaged for ages cause for some reason YouTube stopped bringing up your posts for me, and I didn't check cause you know " life" has been happening. But anyway, bloody he'll!!! Just thought I should check in and have just watched the last few videos, still got a few to get through- but shit Lee!!!!!! Like GOOD GRIEF!!!😮😮😮 Dunno if anyone else mentioned that little bright, sparkly orb shoot out of the shelves ( around the 12min mark).
Crazy stuff mate. Your in the dog house. Stuff just getting destroyed. Aliens maybe. Using your family on your device to get to you emotionally. Mate!!
Anyway, I have a few more to get through.
Positive thoughts being sent to you guys.
How long has this been going on what started the paranormal happenings
Sorry Lee, I just had to have a little chuckle hearing your tummy rumble.. ☺️ 🩷 watching you, 👋 from Australia
Buy 4 St Benedict pendants and place one at each corner of your home. You can even place them outside of your home but at each corner. I just came across your channel the other day by searching for ghost videos and your style of research seemed interesting, but when I noticed you began praying to the Lamb Of God and his Angels, my respect to you grew exponentially. MAY THE KING OF KINGS JESUS CHRIST keep you and your family safe from that suffering spirit. Sharpen your faith daily by genuine worship to the King of Peace.
– Trucker from San Diego California. 🙏🤲✌️
I don't know if you've worked out that thing you did on the wall but it's binary code and I have worked it out for you if you haven't already…..
Your existence is not random, continued observation is necessary!
Your an absolute soldier bro the way u stand up against whatever is there sending love to you and the family ❤
Hey Lee, Stacey and fam! What a coward that entity pushing sh*t around when you’re not there. I’ve always wondered, have you asked your neighbours by any chance if they have paranormal activity or is it just your house? So crazy! I hope your skin gets better Lee, sending healing light ur way… ❤️🕯️
Hi lee hope everything is all ok . That sprite is definitely strong.
Thats a new set of draws for Tracy 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉 sorry Tracy 🎉
Listen its Brad's doing Amerthist crystals will get rid of him sage use a pray to get rid of the twat 😮😊
At 3.03 theres a voice ,sounds like it says Lee maybe ,you need ear phones on to hear it
Just watched the video! I can’t believe he keeps using your dad name! When he does come through you won’t know if he’s telling the truth
You wanted some new drawers anyway, right? 😅😅
At least Stacey will get a freshly painted/wallpaper wallpapered bedroom.😅😅
Gotta think of the positives, right? 🤷♀️
Hope you are well Lee
Take Care/Stay Safe 👻
Hello lee. I've seen other Ghost hunters switch to the K'Nex when they have a focus problem. There's probably something getting in between you and the camera. Just an idea.
Dont know if it will help but maybe get your st benedicts blessed by a vicar / priest xx
Crazy that Lee iv not been Abill to watch until now my data ran out , god I hate it when that happens hahahaha, but yea woow off its head that talking too u anyways gonna watch your other one now mate x
Hi Lee!! Absolutely love your videos! Wondering….. where is your refrigerator?
You are a brave gentle courageous man. Your videos are the real thing..
We family and have had some paranormal stuff going on in our lives too. So i feel for you and understand what your going though..im glad to have found your videos tonight. It really gives me hope we are not the only ones that have experienced similar stuff.
Lee,you can get bags of St Benedicts from Temu super cheap…..wear them on yourself.and put one each corner of perimeter of your home under soil x
That's shocking Lee! when you did the last video and you say at the start that you are hearing the voices again, Soon as you said it I heard what sounded like a muffled whistle? Probably nothing, but in this one as you know I can't take my eyes off the stairs and while you were talking that's what I was doing and the whole time it wouldn't focus, I've not seen it like that ever as if it was all around the whole place, I don't know how you don't get so mad that you start banging back when it does it cos I think I would, and you look better and more yourself without the beard! But I can imagine what Stacey had to say about you writing on the wall, and the way that tripod sneakily moved into the front of the camera? It's mad! Love to the family and stay safe mate, and how hard was it to make that spirit talker? I really want one like yours it's awesome Lee so well done. Elaine xxx
I said that bright greenish light at the back door that time, looked like a light from a UFO, and that sounds like something an alien would say. Apparently you're not ready yet, for whatever they have in store for you. 🤟
the ghost arent even scary its just, they make your life very hard
Hi Lee, what I see in Yr home so evil whilst portal open they keep coming, outside is good fly over push evil back. These things are all over you when you sleep prob drain Yr energy. Need communication with Good only one that can offer help. Must keep prayers of protection daily morning & night. This not just spirit now king Demons.
Hi Lee❤! Happy to see your doing well! I have watched all your videos from the beginning, I noticed how physical the spirit is with you and pulling your wife out of bed. Has the spirit gotten physical with your pets? So sorry that your family has to endure this kind of harassment every day. We are here for you ❤
Could you add another camera with a view of the door and the stairs, so when something moves in that area you can give us a view from both cameras to see the action from both angles. That would be really helpful. Thanks!
Prayers and Thoughts for You and your Family Lee… I Truly feel so sorry for you!, It must be so damn draining, let alone how scary it must be!
I Truly Pray You find the answers You need to get rid of whatever it/They are!.
My home is Haunted, But it's positive, So really doesn't bother me at all , I have lights turn on and off,mainly bedroom, Plus noises,orbs and alao its appeared to 3 of my family members .
It does drain me and others, But nothing like You're dealing with!
I Truly feel for You All 🙏 ❤
I think its evil using your dad has a way to communicate with you I have also lost my dad and I wouldn't want this happening to me it's trying to mess with your mind hope your ok lee with this torment and mental torture 😢
Use the SLS Camera Please
I think I figured out the circles you draw everywhere… Lol.. sorry ..I know this is serious… But for real…. It's a sign for a specific element… Possibly 115… Moscovium …
the wall looks like a repeat of Rendelshem FOREST messages
Hi Lee I also have Rosacea and lots of foods can trigger it more . Any heat changes . Stress . Alcohol. I’ve had everything but it’s a case of living with it now . Your video with that writing on the wall is just an omg moment . It is so weird that I can’t decide still if that part is alien or spirits . Next time you’re able to communicate please ask them . The movements on this video were crazy tonight . I just wish they would speak to you through Alexa . Anyway love to you all and I wait for your next one eagerly ❤
Good Afternoon Lee,I have a question, did you believe in God,before everything Paranormal happened to you?
Have a lovely, peaceful and safe Weekend together with your precious family 👪❤.
God Bless &Protect You All, Always and Everywhere, Amen 🙏 ❤❤!
As always friendly greetings from us:Anne&Harry from Amsterdam. 🖐🐾🐾❤🙏❤👻👻👻👻👽 👽 👽 👽 ❤👍💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Hey Lee this was totally insane tonight. I feel like this thing is trying to get you in trouble with Stacey. I'm also sorry that it's trying to use your dad against you. That's so uncool. These spirits are very clever and incredibly smart. Wish they would just piss off already and leave you alone. God bless you Lee and your kind soul.
Basically, everything that's happened and is happening to you. There's a reason for it, you've obviously been chosen by "something" and you have a job to do/learn…..I'm just thinking out loud here. I'm only 9mins in btw.
Hi, Lee!! Hope you and you're family are doing ok. All this activity is just getting way to crazy again 😮 you will end up with nothing left in the house by the time this little shit finishes destroying everything 😡 i think it's following you around as the camera was going blurry alot 😮 and at around 7:32 and 7:37 I'm sure i can hear a whisper saying "hey" and then "Lee" 😬 i would really like to see Stacey more involved in you're videos 😊 i really do enjoy watching you're videos, but i feel so sorry for you and you're family going through all this scary shit and there is nothing you can do about it, i think you are stuck with the bastards 😢 sending my love ❤ take care and please stay safe 🙏 xxx
Looks like binary code to me 😮
Oh my days, theres a ghost face at 2:28 an when you go over with the k2 meter at 3:41 its gone!! Im freaking out!!