Killer whales 19,000 psi (don't even try just google it)
Tiger left the chat
Theres no way a coyote bite is worse than a grizzly bear
Orca left the chat with 15k psi 💀
Mosasarus 7,894 PLS
Humans have a very big bite force
Vote for Bengal tiger at 9th position 😊
Killer whale 8000 psi
Where is eagle?
Hyena 😱😱😱
you forgot the tasmainian devil with a 5000 psi
Guys we have only discovered 5 percent of the ocean and we think the bloop is fake water’s dinosaurs and the megalodon is extinct and whatever is out in there.
Jaguar 🐆 bite force 💪🛑
fredbear joined the chat
The fact that Alligators are only native to florida
Orca left the chat☠️ nah killer whales have more then them☠️🗿 it is 19,000 psi……..🗿☠️
Tiger must top of list
Orca has left the chat with mcdonalds
A nile crocodiles bite is over 5,000 how is it 3,000?!
Nahh the hippo be crunching up mah whole body in one bite nahhhh😂😢😅
Me – where is pitbull😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Shark isn’t even supposed to be in top 5 it’s got like 900psi
10. Grizzly Bear 9. Leopard 8. Spotted Hyena 7. Polar Bear 6. Gorilla 5. Jaguar 4. Hippo 3. Nile Crocodile 2. Killer Whale 1. Great White Shark
Humboldt squid and Killer whale laughing in the corner
Megalodon have 345,934 psi laughing at the corner
Orcas and extinct animals laughing in the corner
King left the chat
Bro is so dumb the strongest animal alive with the most bite force is the orca. Unlike sharks they target heavy and ruff skin of those whales and they produce 19000 psi thanks to their jaw system
I guess there should be lion and tiger also ryt😅😅or if not them then it's ok 👍🏻 ✅
where is purussaurus and deinoshus
your wrong the bite force of nile crocodile is 5000 psi lia not 3000
Dang those animals bite harder than my gf last night😂
Gorilla ??? it’s a mammal
Extinct animals and orcas laughing in the corner
Pitbul left the chat
My aunt owns a zoo so the zoo has a killer whale here name if Billy ❤
Funfact: the megaladon bitforce is 40,000 psi
Black panther be like : all of you done Now my turn
thanks guys for 1k like
Killer whales 19,000 psi (don't even try just google it)
Tiger left the chat
Theres no way a coyote bite is worse than a grizzly bear
Orca left the chat with 15k psi 💀
Mosasarus 7,894 PLS
Humans have a very big bite force
Vote for Bengal tiger at 9th position 😊
Killer whale 8000 psi
Where is eagle?
Hyena 😱😱😱
you forgot the tasmainian devil with a 5000 psi
Guys we have only discovered 5 percent of the ocean and we think the bloop is fake water’s dinosaurs and the megalodon is extinct and whatever is out in there.
Jaguar 🐆 bite force 💪🛑
fredbear joined the chat
The fact that Alligators are only native to florida
Orca left the chat☠️ nah killer whales have more then them☠️🗿 it is 19,000 psi……..🗿☠️
Tiger must top of list
Orca has left the chat with mcdonalds
A nile crocodiles bite is over 5,000 how is it 3,000?!
Nahh the hippo be crunching up mah whole body in one bite nahhhh😂😢😅
Me – where is pitbull😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Shark isn’t even supposed to be in top 5 it’s got like 900psi
10. Grizzly Bear
9. Leopard
8. Spotted Hyena
7. Polar Bear
6. Gorilla
5. Jaguar
4. Hippo
3. Nile Crocodile
2. Killer Whale
1. Great White Shark
Humboldt squid and Killer whale laughing in the corner
Megalodon have 345,934 psi laughing at the corner
Orcas and extinct animals laughing in the corner
King left the chat
Bro is so dumb the strongest animal alive with the most bite force is the orca. Unlike sharks they target heavy and ruff skin of those whales and they produce 19000 psi thanks to their jaw system
I guess there should be lion and tiger also ryt😅😅or if not them then it's ok 👍🏻 ✅
where is purussaurus and deinoshus
your wrong the bite force of nile crocodile is 5000 psi lia not 3000
Dang those animals bite harder than my gf last night😂
Gorilla ??? it’s a mammal
Extinct animals and orcas laughing in the corner
Pitbul left the chat
My aunt owns a zoo so the zoo has a killer whale here name if Billy ❤
Funfact: the megaladon bitforce is 40,000 psi
Black panther be like : all of you done
Now my turn