We adopted a sad and obese chihuahua
Check out more on this story: https://www.instagram.com/bodybytheo/
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GeoBeats is a US-based media company focused on telling inspiring animal stories about animals from around the world. Our goal is to make people fall in love with them and promote compassion and kindness.
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😮mg! Heart melting!
He is adorable God bless u❤
En un bonbon de chocolate
Mila grasias por amar y querer a estos angelitos
Theo, the woofer that transformed from a (gorgeous) blob to a speeding bullet. Seeing him run in his little coat made me smile. You are good people to put such effort into helping him as I know it’s not an easy job.
Jelly baby!
So happy for this little guy! Raw diet and exercise is all they need. Vet meds, injections and "Science Diet" are all poison. Whitecoats feed off our emotion$, never allow your fears to override logic. I use vets for diagnostic purposes only and rarely ever for treatment, this has saved all of my rescues from further damage. Live and learn.
I cried with joy.
Thank you, it's hard dedicated work to make this transformation! He's living his best life. Our rescue kitty was 19lbs…she now is 13lbs and can participate in a full life…still needs to drop a few.
Awe sweet baby!
You are god's angels here on earth❤
Poor little guy !! YOU'RE BOTH AMAZING !!!
Over feeding dogs people food Causes pancreatitis, and it's painful !
awww, he got the perfect mom and daddy! love this story., i had the same kind of thing. i got a 14 year old chihuahua from houston humane society, i cant imagine being dumped at 14! alone in a cage. her name was Mimi which i didnt like, so i changed it to Mia. she caught on right away. came in old as dirt, but no medical issues, thank goodness. anyway i lost my teenie tiny girl last year just due to old age. she was 18. i didnt know i was into tiny dogs until i met her. she is my heart and i miss her dearly. due to my intense love for my tiny girl i went out and adopted 4 more senior chihuahuas! pit bulls and chihuahuas are the number 1 and 2 dog that ends up in rescues. i have a pittie named Irving, so i adopted the 4 tiny chihuahuas in honor of my Mia. love my pups! ADOPT a seior or handicapped dog. just like Theo here. they all need adoption, but the special ones need more help. most people wont adopt a senior or an animal that has issues. they seem to be ignored. so again. i love this story! precious Theo! you go boy!
May God bless you both for being soooooo kind AMEN ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wild ancient wolf: alright, i just gonna get some food from those caveman near the fire, what the worst thing that can happen
Fat chihuahua: oh shi…
Great dog btw, wish him and his parents all best
He's Adorable!! You guys are the best👋❤
He's a daddy's boy for sure
Aww chunky little monkey, what a transformation! Thank you for giving sweet Theo a wonderful life ❤ Sadly some people over feed their pets because they think it makes them happy but it’s not a kindness they do. I had a sheltie that was severely over weight from a previous owner, she had cushings disease and pancreatitis when she came to live with us at 10 years old. With proper diet and exercise she lost a lot of weight, was a new dog she bounced around like a puppy! She was so much happier, lived to 15 years old. She passed 14 years ago, I still think of her and miss her. I’m forever grateful she was part of my family ❤
THEO, recluído en un refugio por perder a su familia , con muchas enfermedades por su sobrepeso, cuánto sufrió hasta encontrar la felicidad en su nueva familia que le ha dado una preciosa vida íntegra en salud, contención y cariño. Un millón de gracias humanos misericordiosos y generosos, mucha suerte.
Theo being all active again made me tear up, thank you for giving him a new life! ❤
Go Theo go!!❤
Thank you for saving this precious Lil boy❤
He looked like a cartoon dog at first! Adorable, but clearly so in need of a healthy lifestyle. Good job helping this little buddy!
I'm guessing his former owner was an elderly person who probably wasn't that active, either. ✌✌❤❤❤
For many people, food is their love language. Look around at yourself, family/loved ones & pets. If you/they are all overweight and have health problems, or soon will, learn how to show love in new ways that will help everyone enjoy life.
Thank you for adopting this little cutie.