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About the Author: Admin


  1. For anyone wondering, the cat is safe. I uploaded the full video it’s up on this channel feel free to watch it or search Waterbury Ct fox vs cat full video. And sorry we’re not supposed to feed wild animals.

  2. That cat was literally going to put all four paws 🐾 and claws on that fox at the same time! That fox didn't know he was dealing with an alley cat from the hood that was used to putting the paws on big dogs, that's why he didn't flinch one bit, because he knew he was going to put a cat kung fu called "tiger paws" on that azz!

  3. The Fox fakes a attack but the cat never moves . Cats are so fast that 3 feet away to them is a football field to us . That Fox would need to be inches away before the cat felt threatened

  4. I've heard the noise that the fox was making in the woods before when hiking. It was a little ways off of the trail. I didn't know what it was at the time but thanks to this video I do now. I knew that it wasn't anything dangerous though.

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