These mfers are tough as hell. Ill bet he did some damage to that shoulder.
Ключица vs голова😅
Dude popped his shoulder out
Jajajaja que pelotudo
Dead sport
This is not American football. Way tougher.
High tackle
Collar bone done son
First I thought bro is knocked out and after that tackle opponent is showing some celebration move but no everything was opposite 😂
He was turning reptilian and had to hide his shapeshifter arm. He was also hissing
Аааа….. Плечо выбил
Вывих плеча
Broken arm?
Bro got snotted
A quick trip to the side line where the trainer and a towel will fix the problem and he will be back out onto the pitch. Rugby as a sport requires that level of toughness from its players/
Stinger 😂😂😂 that junk hurt so bad. Had a few in my days as well
Clavicle has failed.
Invisible baby in the field?!!!! th
Chocó contra una pared…😮
Shoulder dislocation
Broken collar bone
Warcraft! O encontro de 2 mundos. 👁👁
O cara usou kit medico mas cancelou no meio kkkkkk
Name música
Nom da música ?
That was the quickest factory reset Iv ever seen. 🫨
Bro started popping the med-kit after that.
O outro cara estava fingindo machucado?
Straight red card to number 18, that was dangerous tackle with no mitigation
Nuuss, quase cai infartando kk
Dude suffered a shoulder dislocation…game over for him.
Esporte saudável 😂😂
Pareceu q ele ia zombar do adversário, até ver q deslocou o ombro!
Hy wil mos fokkend nie reg duik nie die doos
Clavícula, adiós
Broken collar bones ain't no joke 😮
Haa kan cabutt😂
His shoulder is out of the angle….
damn I felt that
Зацени бицуху
Snapped arm 😂
These mfers are tough as hell. Ill bet he did some damage to that shoulder.
Ключица vs голова😅
Dude popped his shoulder out
Jajajaja que pelotudo
Dead sport
This is not American football. Way tougher.
High tackle
Collar bone done son
First I thought bro is knocked out and after that tackle opponent is showing some celebration move but no everything was opposite 😂
He was turning reptilian and had to hide his shapeshifter arm. He was also hissing
Аааа….. Плечо выбил
Вывих плеча
Broken arm?
Bro got snotted
A quick trip to the side line where the trainer and a towel will fix the problem and he will be back out onto the pitch. Rugby as a sport requires that level of toughness from its players/
Stinger 😂😂😂 that junk hurt so bad. Had a few in my days as well
Clavicle has failed.
Invisible baby in the field?!!!! th
Chocó contra una pared…😮
Shoulder dislocation
Broken collar bone
Warcraft! O encontro de 2 mundos. 👁👁
O cara usou kit medico mas cancelou no meio kkkkkk
Name música
Nom da música ?
That was the quickest factory reset Iv ever seen. 🫨
Bro started popping the med-kit after that.
O outro cara estava fingindo machucado?
Straight red card to number 18, that was dangerous tackle with no mitigation
Nuuss, quase cai infartando kk
Dude suffered a shoulder dislocation…game over for him.
Esporte saudável 😂😂
Pareceu q ele ia zombar do adversário, até ver q deslocou o ombro!
Quebrou o pulso.