hello friends it’s WMG today we’re going to be checking out some people who got VERY LUCKY and if you get to meet any of them perhaps you can use them as a lucky charm. Watch this video until the end and see for yourself
Over 8 minutes of 50 LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! we’re going to show you some of the Luckiest People, Dangerous moments, Lucky tiktok videos, AND people couldn’t be luckier. As always, we run down the full list of LUCKIEST PEOPLE in some of the LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA videos on the internet.
There are 3 people who are VERY LUCKY, the first is the driver of the huge truck didn’t notice the motorcyclists, when turning he hit them and it looks like things would end badly with the child but luckily he narrowly avoids being run over and survives. 2nd is the man fell off the railing. But what’s more important is lucky that he was able to hold on and was helped by everyone to pull him up. I’m sure he’ll never forget this moment when he almost went to heaven. And the last one is the driver of the 14-wheel truck runs over the cyclist , but the man is lucky to be alive.
0:18 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 1st: The power of super speed
0:30 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 2nd: The truck sways
0:44 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 3rd: the white box fell from the car twice but it still bounce back perfectly
1:04 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 4th: The man miraculously survived a traffic accident
1:14 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 5th: where the iron bar pierced the car’s glass, fortunately no one was injured
1:34 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 6th: The man was almost hit by a car
1:50 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 7th: This person is crazy lucky
And other lucky people moment that I’m probably not remembering! 😉 Let’s see for yourself.
If you enjoyed this 50 LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA!, you should also check out these other LUCKIEST PEOPLE video lists LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBYvgxsZHT2Q1MySg08qjYzd
And also!
TOP LUCKIEST PEOPLE of the YEAR ! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBZAjTNxPqD5htaBMJM3zs2N
All Of WMG Video https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBbapG7mCt7ZcnmgzlXCVzJ_
→ SUBSCRIBE and BELL for new LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA videos ♥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKGd4XhXR02TUY-Str2Eanw
→ For copyright matters please contact us at: bruceleeamerica08@gmail.com
#luckiestpeoplecaughtoncamera #luckiestpeople #luckypeople #peoplearelucky
#lucky #wmg
50 Luckiest People Caught On Camera!
There's no luck. It's the work of God and angels that He has assigned to each n everyone of us. God is real n so are angels. May we not die without knowing n God
Not lucky. Blessed by God…. There is no such thing as luck
Nice video humnEAaj taknahidekhA Happy
John 3:16
Its all about God
Without any doubt, ALLAH is the greatest❤
You fucker put back the metal school video savatage
Each video you make is a visual feast. Can't wait to see what you do next!
It's unbelievable that there are so many lucky people
i like it again! so lucky
How can you make a video like this?
It's incredible how these moments can be life-changing for those involved. So inspiring!
These stories of luckiest people caught on camera are truly heartwarming and enjoyable to watch
Oh no
No comments.🎉
Ok video
Những điều kỳ diệu
Ow có 29c của việt nam kìa
Sa fait froid dans le dos
I never knew being in the right place at the right time could make someone so lucky!
Wtf are these trash fake comments on here? Dedication and passion…where? Most of the people in the video are dumbfucks that did stupid shit and unfortunately didnt get what they would have deserved
Click bait thumbnail
Прекрасно подобраны сюжеты.За эти минуты просмотра получила такой адреналин👍🔥.В жизни действительно важно такое качество как стрессоустойчивость.Жизнь на каждом шагу нас испытывает на стойкость и выдержку и сообразительность.
I will exchange our places willingly
01:40 he's superman lol
Why you talking!!????
Dumb comments ruined video!
Какие же дэбилы встречаются,
1:36 生存難易度トップクラスやろ
1:50 people like that….
wtf is wrong with you
“Unfortunately no one was injured” you want them to get injured-
This should be luck?? Luck is almost die??
50 luckiest people or just 50 luckiest shots? 🤣🤣