Everything disappeared in 2 minutes in Dubai UAE! Flash floods and hail in Dubai
Torrential rain lashed down on Dubai on Saturday morning, causing localised flooding. Residents were advised to only leave their homes if necessary given hazardous conditions on the roads.
Heavy showers have lashed the country all night, with rain falling in varying intensities across the UAE, including in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah and Ajman. Weather conditions will continue to be unstable today, the National Centre of Meteorology has said.
In several videos circulating, the Al Ain area was also hit by large hailstorms, causing serious damage on Friday.
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Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, weather news today, compilation of natural disasters, natural disasters caught on camera
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Ese país es Sodoma.. la ira de Dios está sobre ellos
Se lo merecen, han rechazado al Dios viviente
Mati3 la semua nya
say thx to USA for UAE does not want sell oil only for USD!
this is a punish for UAE
что исчезло-то ?
Lord please have mercy on them.
Esa ciudad necesita amar a los pobres.
No German Media was saying anything
Allahu Aqbar azab Allah nyata sadarlah manusia
Kaum kufur dan munafik akan tenggelam bersama fir'aun di th 2024
Rasain…. Kamu tak peduli dg saudaramu di palestina..
Allah Maha Melihat, Allah Maha Mengetahui Segala siasat golongan bersekutu memudharatkan UmatNya Laa Illaha Ilallah Muhammadar Rasulullah ALLAHU AKBAR ☝️
Is this normal weather there? I just thought it was hot and sunny 365 days a year?
Is it actually true or fake news?
Gaza, Gaza, Gaza, Gaza, Gaza, Gaza. Do not think that God is unaware of what the oppressors do. The events in Gaza will be a curse and a stain throughout history for the rulers of the Emirates who were satisfied with the mortal life of this world, preferring it and preferring it to the afterlife, eternal and eternal, so they sold themselves to the forces of evil and to Satan, who will leave them to their fate as soon as their interests end.
Perdieron todo el oro y diamantes ke tienen????
May Sllah protect All of you inshallah 🤲❤️
what about flying carpets, does it work in the rain?
Jesus Christ prophecies this! The Lord is coming soon!
Destruction is coming.This is like my dreams hailstorms, heavy rainfalls and flood
May Allah become rahem on Dubai no qahar😢
I just can say that if allah is rahman he is also qahar