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  1. CSTO is effectively disband. Kazakstan didn’t uphold their end of the bargain when requested.

    Armenia is considering entering EU/leaving CSTO.

    Azerbaijan essentially entered confrontation against Russia in Armenia.

  2. You can join NATO but first you must sign this agreement, if you provoke anyone and they attack you or attack anyone without being attacked first we will not help you. Is this in the USA nato papers 😅

  3. Part of the problem I have with your assumptions is Armenia. CSTO has already failed in the case of Armenia, versus Azerbaijan. Russia specifically did not come to the rescue of Armenia. This makes their so-called equivalent of article 5 completely toothless already…

  4. It's very important to note that the only reason Russia hasn't taken over Ukraine is because they stopped their bombing unlike Americans in war who blow everything up and call their soldiers actually fighters

  5. This is complete conjecture. I don't see this panning out this way at all. Mexico only has an alliance with China for drugs. All drug relations would cease to exist during a war or risk being thrown out. Texas alone can take Mexico all the way to Panama. The US would likely mobilize a lot of forces to Canada and Mexico for logistics. I do not think Russia could take the EU. They have never been able to do supply line logistics. They have 1 aircraft carrier. China has 1 working aircraft carrier. You cannot take the remote continents without some kind of navy. Even Russian air transport is greatly diminished. China does not have air transports as well.

  6. Anyone who wants to maintain a sovereign nation should side with the west. Thats one reason why I don’t get why everyone has so much hate for the US. If almost any other country were in our position they would conquer most of the other countries.

  7. Your basic assumption seems to be false where you claim that when china/russia or USA/nato will be near their end( near total destruction) they will not use their massive nuclear arsenals.

  8. Actually, if the allies won. More than likely, control of China would be more than likely returned to the Taiwan government. That was the original Chinese democratic government.

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