That guy shouldn't be wearing thar thing protecting his body for body shots
I have a question and Ik I might end up regretting it but I think I want to fight might be my worst choice ever but worth a shot help me get I everyone
First fight was best fight I’ve ever seen here
Man you got a big big mouth in there that is ruining your video
First the guy in red has some real talent with the jab
Waiting for streetbeefs to start making cards
I got a good feeling about this video. Big love from Kentucky
the one with Venom Blacc and Showtime shouldve been televised bwcause this was an amazing fight❤🎉🎉
Bs on that first fight black gloves dominated first 2 rounds 3rd round was close your promotion has lost my respect
So I’d be kinda pissed if I paid for this tbh and am I the only one who thinks money elk is creepy
I'm wondering know what I mean what kind of Toys-R-us belts know what I mean those are
first fight id put the work on the both of them and i weigh 145 they got absolutely no hands bad footwork bad clench bad hands😔😪😴
moneymeil had work
W mill much luv from buro❤
Please tell people to take their damn jewelry off before a match, this is embarassing. Great fights tho.
Yeah, you don't want to hold him back, he's leaving on a good note, so you awarded him a fight he clearly lost? Rigged.
Last fight. BS. No way Venom won that. Other guy won. Fkn BS.
First fights ref is so f ing annoying.
"talk stuff all you want but don't cuss" in a streetbeefs video, truly a 2024 moment 🤣
Man shot weak
Most definitely , 1 of the most technical & entertaining videos I've seen from @streetbeefs ✔️🙏💯
13:57 bro hit them anime dodges
Boys fighting inside of a hog trap
That guy shouldn't be wearing thar thing protecting his body for body shots
I have a question and Ik I might end up regretting it but I think I want to fight might be my worst choice ever but worth a shot help me get I everyone
First fight was best fight I’ve ever seen here
Man you got a big big mouth in there that is ruining your video
Need to quiet down to bystanders a little
2nd fight big dude 100% won 2-1
2:50 is this the streamer sketch
Я. Хачу. Если. Хочешь
1:50 no saying cuss words guys! 🤬
Yo I want to do this so bad but I'm only 14
Moneymeil look like a older version of baby hulk a lil
Y’all need some real judges
These whole 26mins is ppv fights amazing
FairPlay vs Adam should've been here
Y’all sure money meil opp was really 154😂 I don’t think so at all.