Natural Disasters News Today: 150 Km/H Wind, STORM & TORNADO Damaging 9 de julio buenos aires, argentina! bragado tornado 2024
#Alerta | #Destrozos | #9DeJulio | #Bragado | #Turbonada |
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A severe storm wreaked havoc in the western area of Buenos Aires province, causing a warehouse collapse in Bragado and prompting a red alert for Ezeiza due to intense storms and strong winds. The 9 de Julio racetrack suffered significant damage to its infrastructure, eliciting messages of solidarity from visiting categories. In Nueve de Julio, flooding and power outages were reported. Emergency services responded to incidents of roofs blown off, while civil defense and community development authorities mobilized to assist affected areas. The storm also affected air travel, with warnings issued for Ezeiza International Airport.
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