Idiots In Cars Compilation – 441 [USA & Canada Only]

Idiots In Cars Compilation - 441 [USA & Canada Only]
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Idiots In Cars Compilation | Dashcam Videos | Driving Fails [USA & Canada Only]

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About the Author: MegaDrivingSchool


  1. #6 – That wasn't a brake failure, that was a truck purposefully pushing the car from a stop.
    #7 – You're an idiot. No space means you back off and create space in order to avoid an accident when someone does that. What you did was the opposite, because you didn't want them getting in front of you. At least you showed them that you had a "right to that space."

  2. #5 Horrible merge on the cammer's part. Without a rear view camera can't tell if the truck was far behind and sped up or if the cammer cut him off on purpose. Cammer seemed to jerk the wheel to the left rather than doing a gradual merge.

  3. >(Ignorant)< Drivers thinking it is their right to turn on the (yellow Caution) with oncoming traffic still appearing and coming through safely. 2:42 And entering into a lane >(ignorantly)< and very dangerously it happens too much on the roads. 3:13 Turns into oncoming traffic with >(ignorantance)< 🤡< 5:35 Just to correct firstly you are aloud to reverse park, But 1 the parking car don't not indicate 2. They Don't look in the back mirror for other vehicles. *Rule – When In a shopping district parking lot Always when reverse parking to be checking the Back mirror foremost.

  4. #1 – I replayed the video over and over, there's plenty of time and space to slow down and avoid any issues. #7 same thing, if you're paying attention there's plenty of time to slow down and let the car with the signal to merge in. And yes, there is enough space in the lane to let them in. #26 in WA State and Seattle, you need to pay attention stop at cross walks and yield to pedestrians (it's the law), if it is a crosswalk then it is not jay walking and sometimes even when the light is green, you need stop, if you hit a pedestrian at crosswalk you may be liable.

  5. 0:12 wrong that's a Ford.
    0:47 narrator, you love victim shaming. First vehicle did nothing wrong besides not moving right.
    1:30 illegal lane change in an intersection, cutting off a faster moving vehicle so your little ego wouldn't take a bump and you'd be "inconvenienced".
    2:03 What even is that caption narrator?
    2:48 you absofuckinglutely deserved that, give the truck some space, and learn to be patient.

  6. #19. Okay, either the cammers video has been co-opted, or they changed to narrative a bit. Ive seen this same clip literally yesterday. In that one, they dont say that, but that the kia was stopped for no good reason, and that they (cammer) called the cops and seemed upset that they wouldnt investigate this "horrific accident" (read: NOTHING-BURGER)

  7. Soon as I see a big rig and “anonymous” I already know the trucker fucked up somehow and this is a video where they caused whatever happens.

  8. My uncanny Cultural Awareness superpower enabled me to predict Mr. Simpson’s position on the light absorption scale long before he deployed his Nike Evasion Technique

  9. How bad do you have to be at recognizing vehicles to mistake a Ford for a Tesla? Just about as bad as the Escape driver is at driving.

  10. 7:30 part of driving is also watching for people changing lanes and not speeding up to block them; even those in Bakersfield should know that
    8:50 ADT Another Dumb Trucker

  11. @0:56. I'm not sure what the idiot(s) was doing to cause a double rollover accident like that. Someone wasn't paying attention, that's for sure. It could have been a medical emergency 🤷‍♂

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