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About the Author: TheDmoton23


  1. Classic Eddie Guerrero spends 10 minutes fighting John Cena whooping his ass like a Latino OG and after winning the match comedically kisses Chavo and complains about his head hurting.

  2. This was one of Cena's and Eddie's best matches.

    Cena starts with a battle rap, Eddie enters with rap music playing,

    They beat the shit out of each other with the Smackdown roster standing around

    Then Chavo knocks Cena out leading to an Eddie frog splash

    BAD ASS match, Heyman had to book it

  3. Guerrero/Cena rivalry was epic! Stone cold and the rock were gone and needed people to fill in their shoes and boy these 2 wrestlers were at their prime: Latino heat and the dr of thuganomics 🔥🔥🔥 even as tag partners they were fun to watch every Thursday on UPN

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