Top 30 Shocking Natural Disasters Caught On Camera Of The Week Compilaiotn
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Top 30 Shocking Natural Disasters Caught On Camera Of The Week Compilaiotn
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Well this was a waste of time.
Gods superpower People not the natures
The raw power of nature
😢god wanted the praiers i belived😢
Tranquilo yo activo lo militare ave que pasa en eso paise
This video would've been more interesting had the places of origin been given by CC.
Enoch returned in 2017, he is here now with his 10k Army.
The Tribulations are almost over.
2nd Enoch 20:3 is the True Most High Creator, Father of All life. We meet him soon for Judgment Day and Enoch is our Righteous Judge, at The Right Hand of
The Most High.
Enoch is
Named "Son of Man" "The Chosen One" Anointed by The Most High. Enoch is "I AM" Archangel Metatron, Metatron is the name assigned to "I AM". Exodus 23:21 "Forsaken he is Not" "Never suffered death".
Please seek truth before it is too late.
Our Creator's name means "Father of All life" "The Law"
"The Order"
"The Protection" And Righteous Justice/Judgment.
He never went back on his word, he is unchanging.
The books were sealed and he called them good.
All re legions were made After Enoch Wrote his Books.
They were removed by the Roman Catholics because they named The True Most High and our True Messiah. 1st Enoch 71:14
The Torah was corrupted.
Re legion, New Test has added books to sealed scriptures.
"No man shall die for another man's wages" Salvation is ours alone on the day.
The god of the Bi Baal is lucifer 💯 facts. All Jesus's names translate to Zeus, serpent,baal and lucifer. Hallelujah is helel in Latin and means praise ye Bright Mourning star lucifer. Amen is ra amunra nothing changed, daystar also means lucifer "let the daystar rise in your hearts" 👈(translate to Latin) all stars are fallen angels ✡️ his number is 6ptx6&6 star fallen from heaven. Christ means marked, cross means cursed, lord is baal in the bibell. Bi =2/added books. No Books were to be added or Removed.
1:47 what clean water